
Links to some of the Duggars' favorite recipes. Enjoy!

Main Dishes
Cincinnati Chili
Chicken n a Biscuit 
Chili Frito Pie (Duggar No-Fail Dinner)
Tater Tot Casserole
Chicken & Noodle
Anna Duggar's Chicken Etti
Oatmeal Pancakes
Peachy Salmon
Sauteed Green Beans and Yellow Squash
Potato Mashups

Deviled Egg Boats
Jason's Quick Pickles
Rainbow Meatball Kabobs

Homemade Whole Wheat Bread
Irish Soda Bread
Cheese Biscuits 2
Homemade Yeast Rolls

Jill's Favorite Cheesecake
Michelle's Apple Dumplings
Baked Apples
Homemade Applesauce
Mrs. Brundi Crawford's Chocolate Chip Cookies
Duggar-Style Slushie

Homemade Baby Wipes
Liquid Laundry Soap
Homemade Baby Wipes
Homemade Fabric Softener

168 Comments: Click Here to Add Yours:

Anonymous said... 1

I was looking forward to their banana cake recipe.. I guess you took it off... oh well

Lily and Ellie said... 2

Hi Anonymous!

We have not posted all of the Duggars' recipes to our blog but will post the one for banana cake in the near future. Until then, you can see the recipe on the Duggars' website:
It should be right at the top.

Thanks for reading the blog!
Enjoy the recipes,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 3

Do you have a recipe for homemade dish soap not the dishwasher, for hand washing dishes

Lily and Ellie said... 4

At this time, the Duggars don't have a recipe for dish-washing soap, but thanks for asking!

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 5

I just watched your the show where you have a lot of crickets. When I first moved into my house my father had me put cornmeal on a paper plate somewhere my daughter couldn't get to it. She was 3 then. It worked I haven't had a problem and if I start hearing them again I put a little more down. My daughter is now 22. Best wishes

Anonymous said... 6

Hi there, I really like Anna's Homemade Ice Cream recipe..thanks have great day:)peace..

Dee in KY said... 7

Please put Anna's homemade ice cream recipe back on the list.

Anonymous said... 8

Have you thought about doing a book of your recipes? I know several people who are always looking for budget friendly recipes and I feel you are a great source to get those from. After all you can't see how you can feed 19 kids without knowing several budget friendly recipes.

Anonymous said... 9

hello, i wanted to know it you can so kindly share your snow icecream recipe, it sounded very yummy thanks!!

Lily and Ellie said... 10

Here's the link to the snow ice cream recipe:

Lily and Ellie

wally and kelle said... 11

I am looking for your applesauce recipe you made on the wisdom teeth episode. would you share?

Highdesertstamper said... 12

Of all the shows I've watched.. I never see that you have a garden.. with so many children and so much land around your house..WHY Don't you have a garden..? I would think it would teach more lessons, provide a good supply of vegetables for your family, and teach the children to preserve and can. I was raised in the country and was taught all this, and it has gotten me and my family through tough times. And with the amount of land.. why not some dwarf fruit trees?

Chelsea said... 13

On a recent show I noticed Michelle looking at cute recipe cards. They look to be laminated with pictures for the kids to read. I would love to have some of those so my kids can help me cook. Where did she find those?

Anonymous said... 14

I also love watching the duggars, but have also wondered the same thing about having a garden. With all the life lessons learned and taught, why is gardening not one of them?

Lily and Ellie said... 15

Hi Highdesertstamper and Anonymous!

We know that the Duggars have had a garden in past years. Not completely sure if they have one currently, but that would be a great question to ask during a future interview!

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 16

I am also looking for the applesauce recipe that was made on the show! Thanks!

Lily and Ellie said... 17

Hi by faith alone!

It doesn't look like the Duggars have released their homemade applesauce recipe to the public, but Michelle did briefly explain how to make it on the show:

Add a bit of water to a pot of peeled apples, and then cook them up on the stove. Next, add some honey, and place the applesauce in the fridge to cool.

Hope this helps!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 18

Would LOVE to see more main dish recipes! Am looking forward to trying Anna's Chicken Etti & the famous Tater Tot recipe!
God Bless!

hauffamily said... 19

do you have a homemade spaghetti sauce recipe

Lily and Ellie said... 20

Hi hauffamily!

We haven't seen a Duggar recipe for homemade spaghetti sauce, but if we ever do, we will definitely post it!

~Lily and Ellie

Patty M said... 21

I was really hoping to find their applesauce recipe. It looked so good.

Lily and Ellie said... 22

Hi Patty!

We haven't found an exact recipe for the Duggars' homemade applesauce, but Michelle explained how to make it in "19 Kids and Counting" Duggar Dental Drama. Here is what she said:

Add a bit of water to a pot of peeled apples, and then cook them up on the stove. Next, add some honey, and place the applesauce in the fridge to cool.

Lily and Ellie

dthneece said... 23

Hi there, I love your blog! I was wondering if you could post Cousin Amy's Raspberry bar recipe? Keep up the great work! God bless! :D

Lily and Ellie said... 24

Hi dthneece!

Thanks for the kind words about our blog! We are honored to have you as a reader.

Here's how Amy explains how to make the raspberry bars:
"Like a stick of butter, Graham cracker crumbles, you can buy any kind of filling, then save some crust for topping, 350 12 min!"

Let us know how they turn out!
Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said... 25

Hi dthneece!

Thanks for the kind words about our blog! We are honored to have you as a reader.

Here's Amy's explanation on how to make the raspberry bars:
"Like a stick of butter, Graham cracker crumbles, you can buy any kind of filling, then save some crust for topping, 350 12 min!"

Let us know how they turn out!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 26

I am not a great baker but now I take the DUGGAR ice cream cake to all kind of church functions and family celebrations . Everyone loves it. For smaller functions I halve the recipe. Better than store bought. This is my favorite blog.

Anonymous said... 27

My sisters and I made the Duggars Ice cream cake exactly how they said to, and I must say I don't think ice cream cake gets any better!! It was out of this world!!! Thanks for posting the recipe!


Michelle said... 28

I made the liquid laundry detergent from the Duggar Family recipe. My whites look very dingy and almost grey. Is there a secret to the whites coming out white with the homemade laundry soap? I used all the ingredients and their proper portions.

Lily and Ellie said... 29

Hi Michelle!

Here is an article with tips to get your whites looking brighter:

Thanks for reading!
~Lily and Ellie

Kelley said... 30

Do you know the recipe Anna Duggar used to make dinner the first time she had over the entire Duggar family at their home ?

I know she made stuffed pasta shells and sauce and cheese, salad, bread.

This is one recipe that looked great, but was never posted.

I know they featured it on an episode where a couple of the sisters helped Anna cook dinner.

Thank you.

Lily and Ellie said... 31

Hi Kelley!

It doesn't look like Anna has revealed her Stuffed Shells recipe, but here is a link to a tried and true recipe:

We do have the recipe for Anna's Chicken Etti, the dish that she made for Josh's sisters in "Driving Miss Duggars." You can find that here:

Hope this helps!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 32

I was wondering about the Duggars' food choices...I know they follow the teachings of Bill Gothard's ministry and Vision Forum, both of which give clear guidelines for eating only unprocessed, organic food. It seems that their recipies posted on this blog as well as on their own webpage contain mostly processed food. I would love to know why there is that discrepancy-not to be argumentative or divisive, but simply to understand why it appears that they have not chosen to abide by the guidelines for eating put forth by the ministries which seem to guide their other important life-style decisions. Thanks, and God bless you!

Anonymous said... 33

Can you post Grandma Duggars Snow Ice Cream? Thank you

Lily and Ellie said... 34

Hi Anonymous! (at 7:56 AM on Dec 12)

Here is the link to the Duggars' Snow Ice Cream recipe:

Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said... 35

Hi KarenS!

Great question! The Duggars have said that buying organic would cost too much, but they do focus on making healthy choices. They eat whole grains and plenty of fruits and veggies, and they substitute ground turkey for ground beef. Jim Bob and Michelle also do not allow their children to eat junk food regularly. That being said, they do like to indulge on occasion. Pickles and pretzels are a favorite, and like many people, they enjoy ice cream and other treats.

Hope this answers your question!
Lily and Ellie

Bayley said... 36

Hi Lily and Ellie!
Do you know how Amy made her raspberry bars when she met Michael for the first time?
I know she used a box mix, but I'm not sure which one.
Do you know?

Wilcox Family said... 37

Are there any more recipes that will soon be posted?

Lily and Ellie said... 38

Hi Wilcox Family!

There are some recipes on the Duggars' website that we haven't yet added. Here is the link:

We are thankful to have your family as readers!
Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said... 39

Hi Bayley!

This is how Amy explains the recipe for her famous raspberry bars:

"Like a stick of butter, Graham cracker crumbles, you can buy any kind of filling, then save some crust for topping, 350 12 min!"

~Lily and Ellie

Bayley said... 40

Hi Lily and Ellie,
I was hoping for the measurements or the box mix she used to make her raspberry bars.

Anonymous said... 41

Hello! maybe its' time for a recipe book??? People seem a little um needy I guess. Also, Michelle, you do great!! People ask why you don't do this or that? I think it is crazy for them to even ask?? You and your husband and your families "Budget" is your business. The fact that you even share a glimpse into your life is a privilage for me. I would think also a privilage for anyone. People have alot of "advice" but they are not in your shoes. I am truly amazed!! Non of us are perfect. But i know I could learn alot from you! Much Love, Kelley

Pat Ambrose said... 42

I absolutley LOVE your detergent! I use it all the time now. And, am sharing with all that I know. Thanks for sharing with us your receipes. Do you have one for dishwasher detergent? Thanks again - love your sight!!

Lily and Ellie said... 43

@Pat Ambrose

Hi Pat Ambrose,

The Duggars have not released a recipe for dishwasher detergent.

Glad to have you as a reader!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 44

What kind of vegetables do the Duggars eat?

Anonymous said... 45

The Duggars need to write a how to build your own house based on their personal experiences with their own! :) I would so love to read it!

Anonymous said... 46

Do u have a recipe for homemade face wash??

Healthy Food Recipes said... 47

Your all Recipes sounds delicious :)

Anonymous said... 48

I wanted to help out two families in our church last Friday. One mom with two little girls had an ATV accident. Her youngest daughter was thrown clear but the mom suffered a head injury. Praise God she woke up with just some short-term memory loss. The other young mom has an adorable little boy born last August. I delivered to both homes Tater Tot Casserole with fruit, salad, and brownies for dessert. Thank you for sharing your quick and easy and delicious meals. Love you all.


Anonymous said... 49

If you wanted to I dont see a problem with using laundry soap for dishes just rinse well nd dilute it slightly more for dishes.

Anonymous said... 50


Unknown said... 51

Hi there, thanks so much for your blog!

I remember seeing an episode where the girls explained how to do a homemade perm, do you know the episode or the ingredients they used?

Lily and Ellie said... 52


Hi Abi,

The perms are found in "Cheaper By the Duggars."

Have a Happy 4th!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 53

It to too unfair and misleading to NOT post calories, sodium levels, saturated fat, etc. of the Duggar recipes. It seems to me that God would consider this a sin that you do not post the truth of the recipes.

rachel and andrew said... 54

wow im such a big fan and find it hard with one youre tips have been wonderful

AnaraSkye said... 55

It's fairly obvious after looking at the Duggar recipes posted here and at the other location that the recipes are high in sodium and fat. But take a good look at the kids, there is not a single over weight kid in the bunch! That's b/c these kids aren't inside all the time watching t.v. or playing video games every moment of they day, they are outside playing!!

Anonymous said... 56

The Duggars probably aren't eating organic foods...but if they were then they probably would set up garden and etc...

Anonymous said... 57

Was wondering about the recipe for the chicken biscuit dumplings they looked great. It's not a duggarfamily recipe it was one of the girls friends recipe. Is she willing to share???

Unknown said... 58

Does anyone know the recipe for "chicken in the biscuit" that was on the "thrill seekers" episode airing 10/16

Nina Cope said... 59

Does anyone know how to make the Chicken /Biscuit/Dumpling dish that Ashton Brown made for dinner when the Vanderhoffs came over?

Anonymous said... 60

I am with the previous writer, I would like to know if the Duggar girls friend would be willing to share her recilpe for Chicken Biscuit Dumplings or it could be called Chicken in a Biscuit, either way they looked good.

Anonymous said... 61

I would also like to know if the Duggar girls friend would be willing to share the Chicken in a Biscuit recipe the previous person called it Chicken Biscuit Dumplings but I think it was called Chicken in a Biscuit.

Carleene said... 62

Will you please share the Chicken in a Biscuit recipe with us, it looks YUMMY! Oh, and I just love your family show! Thanks for sharing your family with us! =)

Carleene said... 63

Just love watching your show! Thank you for sharing your family with us. I was wondering if you would please ask the friend who made the chicken in the biscuit, for the family and friends, would be willing to share it with looked YUMMY! =)

Anonymous said... 64

I just watched the episode where the family with 21 children came to dinner and you made chicken in a bisquit. I couldn't find that recipe. Will that recipe be available soon?

Anonymous said... 65

Here is a recipe similar to the Chicken in a Biscuit recipe. HTH!

Anonymous said... 66

I was also looking for this recipe for the chicken in a biscuit, I want to make it this weekend.

Anonymous said... 67

I too am looking for that recipe.. pls post

randyann said... 68

I would really love the recipe for chicken in a biscuit shown on last nights episode. it looks fabulous!!! Thanks

Anonymous said... 69

I was looking for the recipe also. It looked delicious on the show and you can't go wrong with chicken and biscuits.
Love your show and your beautiful family. God bless you all

Anonymous said... 70

also looking for that recipe. Please post soon!

Thim3 said... 71

I love watching your show so much....could you please post the Chicken in a Biscuit recipe...that looked so good. I would love to try to make that during the winter months.

Unknown said... 72

Will you be posting the recipe for the Chicken Ball Biscuits? Looked so good.

Lily and Ellie said... 73

@Michelle L

Hi Readers,

The chicken n a biscuit recipe has been posted. Here's the link:

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 74

Hi Lilly & Ellie,
I was wondering if you could post the Duggar Apple Dumpling recipe. I got the recipe from the Duggar's homepage. However, I thought many of your readers might find the recipe easier if it was here in your blog. I made this over the weekend with my kids. It was easy & fun for the kids to make & it was delicious. My husband & I loved it but more importantly my children all loved. We are planning on bringing it to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said... 75

Are the recipes for 19+ people?

Lily and Ellie said... 76


Hi Anonymous,

Some are, but not all. Most of the recipes specify how much they make.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 77

How old do the Duggar boys and girls have to be to date?

Ruth F. Byrnes said... 78

My the Lord bless and protect you always!

Linda said... 79

Just saw your episode last night and you made Cincinnati Chili. Could you please post the recipe?
I love your show and I hope it continues for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. So nice to see such great values.

Lily and Ellie said... 80


Hi Linda,

We just posted the Duggars' Cincinnati chili recipe. Here's the link:

Happy Cooking!
Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 81

okay just you buy your own deodorant?????? If so I think that I might have a way for ya guys to save more money
U will have to melt the coconut oil and the beeswax and then add the other ingredient. Then after that you will also need to add some TEA TREE OIL a few drops. U can also add other scents to your liking as well. To store it you can put it into an old deodorant container and use. It should last you longer than regular deodorant. My family have been using this for about three months now and we have not looked back every since. LOVE THE SHOW

Unknown said... 82

Could you post the recipe for cinnamon spaghetti?

Anonymous said... 83

Hi I was just wondering if there are any new recipes?? I have pretty much tried all of these and I know with things always changing that hopefully there are some new ones or new ones coming soon. Please advise!! Thank you all!

Eugenia Motley said... 84

Hello :-). I was looking for the Homemade Applesauce recipie but, when I click on it, baked apples come up. I'm also looking for Anna's Stuffed Shell recipie. Thank You, Blessing :-)

CharHelms said... 85

I double your recipes and use them to feed the children at church

Anonymous said... 86

I am looking for any new recipes you may have. I have tried all of the ones listed here and I love each and everyone of them. Please advise to if there are going to be anymore being published soon Thank you!

Unknown said... 87

I think the world is a better place for having the Duggar's in it!

Anonymous said... 88

Do you wash your whites in hot water? That is important I keeping them white.

Anonymous said... 89

Would like to have the lazana recipe please

Anonymous said... 90

All of them have great skin. So do they have their own facial cleanser they make or do they use a facial product?

Anonymous said... 91

Hi Duggars.......
I tried the oatmeal pancake recipe,,,,,delish.
Best pancakes I've had. We also put a little cinnamon in them and topped with Canadian maple syrup. From Winnipeg, Canada

Anonymous said... 92

hi mr . and mrs. dugger just curious... just saw yalls show. was wondering???? do yall not believe in birth control?? you know.. like a religious thing or something?? yall have some beautyful children do yall have like a stopping point or rather a certain number of children you wish to have?? i was blown away dont remember ever hearing of one family haveing so many? not a bad thing just unusual. may the lord continue to bless you all

Anonymous said... 93

hi..on a recent show a friend came over and a made a chicken biscuit roll. A biscuit rolled up with chicken in it and was baked. I was telling mu husband about it and we would like to try it. Can u please posted the recipe..thank you. We have tater tot casserole all the time and my family loves it!!!

Anonymous said... 94

Do they ever cook any vegetarian dinners?

Unknown said... 95

I saw your show last night and Jinger was making bread. Can you post the recipe for the bread?

Anonymous said... 96

On a recent episode, Jinger taught Joy-Anna how to make homemade bread. Would you mind sharing your recipe? I have been searching for a quick recipe that doesn't require a bread machine, and this seems perfect! I love that it only requires 20 minutes to rise, and 20 minutes to bake. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said... 97

Do you know the Duggar's recipe for Whole Grain Bread?

Lily and Ellie said... 98

Hi Readers,

We just posted the Duggars' whole wheat bread recipe. Here's' the link:

~Lily and Ellie :)

Lily and Ellie said... 99


Hi Anonymous 93,

Here's the link to the recipe you are describing:

Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 100

Why is Michelle and jim-bob's book

The duggars- 20 and counting

Called that when they only had 18 kids at the time they wrote it..... Are they counting themselves as well as their 18 kids? Or are they counting the miscarriage???

Anonymous said... 101

Would love to have the recipes for Ben's favorites (Chicken Alfredo & Apple pie). They looked so good. Great job Jessa! Paula

Anonymous said... 102

I would love to have the Chicken Alfredo & Apple Pie recipes that were on the recent show where Ben's sisters showed Jessa how to make his favorite recipes. That pie looked amazing!

Erica said... 103

I made the chicken etti last night it was amazing.Great job anna.

Tammy said... 104

thanks, awesome post

Anonymous said... 105

Any idea if the Oatmeal cookie recipe works well multiplied?
I need to make at least 340 cookies at a time and often smaller portion recipes become to greasy with the same amounts of butter.
Could you ask please? I am sure the family has had to double or triple the recipe in the past to treat the kids.
Thank you!

Anonymous said... 106

Momma Duggar do you have a recipe for eggnog

Anonymous said... 107

When I made the liquid laundry soap, I had the same problem. It turned out, I was using too much. I'm now using a cream-like version that uses the same amounts of everything, except water and it is blended with the blender.

Anonymous said... 108

When I read te pickle recipe, I saw a note that the pickles come from the garden.

Anonymous said... 109

Love your recipes ... but i'm looking for some of your older recipes from back in the day. can you please list those again?
Linda Z.

Anonymous said... 110

Thanks for sharing the recipes. Yesterday I made the apple crisp recipe. I found it at. It is delicious and super easy.

Anonymous said... 111


Anonymous said... 112


they added it it is in deserts :):):):):):):)

Timmy and Andrea said... 113

I just made my 1st Tater Tot Casserole. We are cheese lovers. So, I added cheese to the sauce and the top. It was really really good. We are meat lovers as well. So, I think to make it perfect for my family is add a little more meat. I cut the recipe in half and it was enough for my family of 5 and to even have left overs. Thank you for the recipe. It is quick, easy, and inexpensive. Thank you sooo much for finally being able to try something new.

Anonymous said... 114

if possible could you post some of the activities that cousin Amy does when she babysits thanks

Anonymous said... 115


May I suggest you take the time to read the back of all the boxes they use.
If you cook and bake by scratch you will not find any homemade recipes with calories or details of fats and salt...

Anonymous said... 116

A couple of years ago they did put in a garden, along the side of their fence line.

Sheryl said... 117

I would LOVE to see bath and beauty recipes. I make all of my own products, i.e. shampoo, conditioner, everything face, everything body. All are safe enough for babies, are edible, even my cosmetics.

Anonymous said... 118

Thank you for h Tator tot casserole recipe! My kids loved it! Michelle should do a Duggar family cook book! Please consider it. As a matter o fact jut an overall recipe and tip book.

denisesabra said... 119

I love watching this show. I'd love to have as many kids but I have #2 on the way and sometimes dealing with one sometimes is really hard especially what we have been through in the past. Id even think it would be neat to meet them one day. All there girls are just gorgeous

Anonymous said... 120

I would like the recipe for the dill pickles. Thanks

Anonymous said... 121

I would love your homemade apple pie recipe please!!!

Unknown said... 122

Do you'all have a recipe for homemade vanilla?

Anonymous said... 123


@Anonymous May 5,2014. Definitely look forward to trying those pancakes too plus their new recipes. Love this blog lily and ellie.

From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada as well. :-)

Anonymous said... 124

Where did the apple crisp recipe go? I think it was Kris Hackel's (sp?). It was the first apple recipe I made myself, and would love to make it again this season. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 125

The recipes arn't opening properly and they usually do for me

Lily and Ellie said... 126


Hi Anonymous 126,

Are the recipes opening for you now?

~Lily and Ellie

Heather said... 127

Hi I would like Anna's recipe for making those mud pavers she made with her children.I want to start having craft time with my young children and thought it seemed like a splendid idea.!

Anonymous said... 128

i have two recipes that yall might like i will try get it to you soon when i have my recipes cookbook with me

Anonymous said... 129

Dear Dugger Clan I love your recipes you have included in this segment as both the boyfriend are always looking for new and easy recipes Thank you for that. We would be intrrested in seeing a cookbook from you, as others would too. J.J & J.G

cali said... 130

hi Duggars you are cool I watch you very time before I go to sleep. The Duggars girls are cute and pretty espeally Jill

Anonymous said... 131

I would love if the Duggar's came out with a cookbook. I know tons that would purchase.

Anonymous said... 132

Hi. My husband and I have 8 children and I was curious as to how they handle all the negativity from others about their choice not to use birth control. Our family, friends and even complete strangers have made some very hurtful comments telling us that we need to get "fixed". We, like Jim Bob and Michelle, have decided to leave it in the hands of God. Your input would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Anonymous said... 133

Hi! Could you put up the banana cake, ice cream cake and BBQ tuna recipes?

Valerie said... 134

I would love the recipes for Ben and jessa ' s pies that her siblings made on the show that aired 3/3. And no bake cheesecake Jill made for her mother in law. Thank you!

Anonymous said... 135

I was wondering if you could post the recipe Jill no bake cheesecake and the boys "pies" from last night episode

Anonymous said... 136

Any chance of the two casserole recipes, the younger boys made for Jessa and Ben to try before their wedding rehearsal dinner being shared??? Please and thank you :)

Lily and Ellie said... 137


Hi Anonymous 134,

To make his BBQ tuna, Jim Bob just adds BBQ sauce (the Duggars recommend KC Masterpiece) to canned tuna.

Here are the links to the Duggars' banana cake and ice cream cake recipes:

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 138

Would love to see the recipes for the pies the boys made for Ben and Jessa. They looked delicious!

Unknown said... 139

Yes, would love the recipes for the "pies" that were made for Ben and Jessa to sample.

Anonymous said... 140

Those pies looked incredible! Please post the recipes!

Anonymous said... 141

The kris hackle's apple crisp is missing and no where to be found. I have made it. It is sooooo good. Lost the recipie and trying to find it again:)

Anonymous said... 142

I noticed that Jill was making waffles in a waffle maker ,that looked delicious Would there be a chance if there is a recipe for it to post.Thanks

Lori said... 143

Would love those 2 recipes of the pies too.

Anonymous said... 144

Its listed above!!!

Anonymous said... 145

Are these Duggar-sized or smaller family sized?

Lily and Ellie said... 146


Hi Anonymous 146,

Some are Duggar-sized, and some are sized for smaller families. Each recipe should say how much it makes.

Lily and Ellie

donna said... 147

I was wondering if some of the Duggars could post some new favorite recipes they love and are using now.Its been awhile since we have had some new ones to try.Thanks Love them and their recipes!

Anonymous said... 148

Do you guys know the Duggars pumpkin pie recipe?

Ann said... 149

I totally agree! Chickens and a cow or goats would help. They eat a lot of processed canned ingredients which are not good

Mama G said... 150

The TLC website had the Duggars sloppy joes recipe, I printed it off but can't find it now. Can anyone help me out?

Lily and Ellie said... 151

@Mama G

Hi Mama G,

Here is the Duggars' recipe for sloppy joes:

1 lb. ground beef/turkey
1/2 c. ketchup
1/2 c. BBQ sauce
1/2 envelope dry onion soup mix
2 tsp. liquid smoke
Brown & season meat, drain. Add all other ingredients, heat
Through. Serve on buns; enjoy!

Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 152

Apple Crisp...Here is the recipe I had in my computer...hope its what you are looking for:
Duggers Old Fashioned Apple Crisp
* 3 cups apples, sliced
* 1 cup brown sugar
* 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
* 1/4 cup unsalted butter, cold

1. Arrange apple slices in an 8-inch square baking dish.
2. Combine sugar, flour, and butter in a large bowl.
3. Mix with hands until mixture resembles coarse bread crumbs.
4. Sprinkle over apple slices.
5. Bake for 40-45 minutes (until lightly browned) at 375°F.

Add 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and/or 1/3 cup walnuts to the flour mixture

Unknown said... 153

After trying to think of an easy dish to make to share with my church family for our luncheon today (Sunday 28 August)I remember I have alwasy wanted to try your family family Tater Tot Casserole. So last night I took the liberty to look up your recipe, printed it out, went shopping for the ingredients and started preparing the dish. Well I have to say it was a hit. Very happy it turned out, was a bit worried about how it was going to taste as I didn't use turkey mince, I used beef instead. I didn't get to taste it until the tray was set on the communal table for our church family lunch that I've now got a new family favourite to add.

Elaine said... 154

I am trying to find the Oreo ball recipe Joy Anna made with Sierra. Can you please add the recipe? ;)

Anonymous said... 155

They have quite a large garden on their property.

People need to remember we only see a portion of their lives on tv.


Unknown said... 156

I just love your family. What genre books do your kids like to read? I personally only read books written with Christian values

Anonymous said... 157

Hi! I am hoping that y'all can help me out with some recipes. I am getting married and will be cooking for my event and can not find any recipes large enough that are cost effective, delicious and hopefully fairly easy. What would your recipes of choice be?

Anonymous said... 158

There was a recipe book on the website, years ago. It was by some sisters (not the Duggar girls) that was recommended by the Duggars, but I can not find it on the page. I wanted to buy it, but I didn't have the money at the time. I was going to tell a friend it would be a gift I would like, but I can't find the title. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Lily and Ellie said... 159


Hi Laura,

We checked recently, and their website had been taken down.

Have a blessed day,
Lily and Ellie

Katie Gray said... 160

Wow! I would LOVE to see bath and beauty recipes. I make all of my own products, i.e. shampoo, conditioner, everything face, everything body. All are safe enough for babies, are edible, even my cosmetics.

paxvobiscum said... 161

Where can I find the Duggers on tv? Please tell me they aren't gone! I just got the link to the laundry gel from a friend, then went exploring. Amazing. I'd love to see the program - even re-runs. Please, please, please! Thank you, and God be with you.

Anonymous said... 162

They are now on TLC

Anonymous said... 163

I was wondering what kind of mixer they use/ Would like to get the one that they use on the show..

Unknown said... 164

Any new recipes to share?

BK said... 165

love yall.. praying always for you all and thanks for all that you do and put up with from evil people.
Williams Family said... 166

@Anonymous THANK YOU for doing the Family Duggar blog! As fans and supporters of that great family living out their faith and convictions - we thank all of their families and extended families for sharing their real life *hurts*... and *JOYS* with us. Thanking God and keeping always the 'Kindred Spirit' Duggar's growing families in our prayers. TLC please also keep us updated with Anna & Josh's family, and, Jill & Derick's family PLEASE! (We are ALL sinners saved by GRACE - struggling in an ever changing world!)
...Also hoping for the family recipes COOKBOOK! I am suggesting donating a portion of the proceeds from those book sales to their favorite childrens ministry and/or missions work - as another reason to bless fans and cooks everywhere with a book full of their combined favorite recipes! WE all want a copy and, gift giving copies... in our kitchen collections. Again, THANK YOU! and GOD Bless!!!


Lori said... 167

I would love to see some recipes from Abbie, Kendra, and Laura some time!

DragonLady said... 168

Hello, I was looking for the powdered detergent. I made it quite awhile back, and I can’t remember it. All I see is the liquid detergent now.

Is there someway to see the powdered recipe?

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