Duggar Resources

Below are a listing of books and resources that the Duggars have written or recommended since they have been in the public eye.

Books Written by the Duggars

Growing Up Duggar, Updated Version
By Jana Duggar, Jill Duggar, Jessa Duggar, Jinger Duggar

Growing Up Duggar
By Jana Duggar, Jill Duggar, Jessa Duggar, Jinger Duggar

A Love That Multiplies
By Michelle Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar

The Duggars: 20 and Counting
By Michelle Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar

Bibles/Christian Literature

Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible KJV

Hell's Best Kept Secret
By Ray Comfort

Abandoned to God 
By David McCasland


Before You Meet Prince Charming
A Guide to Radiant Purity
By Sarah Mally 

Getting Ready for Marriage Workbook
By Jerry D. Hardin and Dianne C. Sloan

What He Must Be...If He Wants to Marry My Daughter
By Vodie Baucham Jr.

Family Movies

The Nativity Story 
Facing the Giants

Shepherding a Child's Heart
By Tedd Tripp

How to Bring Your Children to Christ . . . and Keep Them There
Avoiding the Tragedy of False Conversion
By Ray Comfort

Raising Unselfish Children in a Self-Absorbed World
By Jill Rigby

Life at the Pond
Video and audio shows

What's In The Bible?
DVD Series by Buck Denver

6-Week Video-Drive Youth Evangelism Curriculum
By Ray Comfort/The Way of the Master

The Child's Story Bible
By Catherine F. Vos

Young Ladies

The Princess and the Kiss
By Jennie Bishop

Lies Young Women Believe
By Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh

God's Wisdom for Little Girls
By Elizabeth George

Young Men

Boyhood and Beyond
Practical Wisdom for Becoming a Man
By Bob Schultz 

Men of Science, Men of God
By Henry M. Morris

A Table in the Presence
The Dramatic Account of How a U.S. Marine Battalion Experience God's Presence Amidst the Chaos of the War in Iraq
By Lt. Carey H. Cash


Hymns Triumphant, Volumes 1&2
Features 75 hymn medleys and segments, including "Immortal, Invisible," "How Great Thou Art," and "It is Well With My Soul."

20 Acappella Hymns, Volume 1
Features 20 traditional church favorites, including "Amazing Grace," "O Happy Day," "I Surrender All," and more.

A Hymnworks Christmas

Let Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Book By Kimberly Smith

Let Those Who Have Ears to Hear is the sequel to Oh, Be Careful Little Ears, also by Kimberly Smith)


Switched-On Schoolhouse
Homeschool Curriculum for Grades 3-12

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
By Siegfried Engelmann, Phyllis Haddox, Elaine Bruner

Sing, Spell, Read, and Write
2-year Homeschool Curriculum

77 Comments: Click Here to Add Yours:

Bernice Zieba said... 1

Are there going to be any newer DVD's of the Duggars?

Bernice Zieba said... 2

Thanks for you answer! Hoping there will be more dvd's!

Anonymous said... 3

I luv 19 kids and counting

Anonymous said... 4

I love the show! I was raised a Jehovah's Witness, and they have the same type views as your family, as far as dating (courtship). They view it as a potential marriage partner, something to take seriously, and yes, kissing, etc. without a chaperone can get out of hand. We always had chaparones. I loved it when I was the chaperone for my brother! Free movies, free food! lol We all turned out decent human beings. When parents raise children to have good morals, it works.

Unknown said... 5

When are you going to put more episodes on Netflix because it is the best show in the world

Unknown said... 6

When are you going to add more episodes to Netflix because your show is the best in the world

Anonymous said... 7

I wish the Duggars would sell t-shirts or sweatshirts with their name on them or with each kids favorite scripture, I sure would buy them.:-):-):-)

Anonymous said... 8

Ya me to :(

Anonymous said... 9

I would love to have more seasons on DVD! We don't have TV, so the only way for me to watch them is on DVD or in bits and pieces on line. This show is so uplifting. I have watched all the DVDs I own over and over again and would love if they would keep producing them!

Anonymous said... 10

I really cant wait to read growing up Duggar:)

Anonymous said... 11

I love the show! I am amazed at how patient Jim Bob and Michelle are. My husband and I are from small families, and we only have 2 grown children. Michelle is amazing! The family show makes me believe there is still good in the world today. My dad was a minister and I was brought up in the church. My husband was also brought up in the church. We weren't so good at raising our kids in the church but hopefully we were able to do something good. God Bless! Janet Saylor, Lockhart TX

Anonymous said... 12

How many of the Duggars are left-handed and right-handed?

Bridget Wolfe said... 13

I would like to know where they got their dough mixers for bread.

Anonymous said... 14

Why do the women swim fully clothed? There are tons of outfits for women appropriate to wear in a pool without revealing much. Another question... how does Michelle and Jim Bob feel about interracial marriage?

Anonymous said... 15

What kind of work does Jim Bob do? It seems as though he does something with real estate but I have never seen him work or even leave the house to go to work.. What kind of work does Josh do in Washington D.C? I really enjoy your show and you have done an great job in raising your kids.

Lily and Ellie said... 16


Hi Anonymous 16,

Jim Bob owns and manages a number of commercial and residential properties. Josh is the executive director of FRC Action, a division of Family Research Council.

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 17

from the shows earnings I wonder how much of that is given to god?

Jamie said... 18

This blog is so encouraging, and Lily & Ellie always reply with tact. Well done! :)

Anonymous said... 19

what does Derik Dillard do?

Unknown said... 20

@Anonymous Derick is an accountant at Walmart headquarters.

Lily and Ellie said... 21


Hi Anonymous 22,

The season 5 DVD is no longer available on Christian Book or the TLC web store. Amazon currently has a couple copies, but they are overpriced. You can purchased individual episodes on Amazon and iTunes for $1.99 each. :)

Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 22

How. Can I get The Duggars to come speak at my FCA class on Friday's

Anonymous said... 23

Lily and Ellie, I often wonder why my comments are never posted. I always try to be respectful and honest. Why is that? Is it because you have an enormous amount of comments to sift through?

Mrs.mackenzie said... 24

Hey Duggar family!
I first just want to say that it is so refreshing to have a TRUE Christian family on public TV. I pray that your show will plant the seed in all of those who are watching that do not know Christ. Please know you have so many people who are praying for you and your ministry, support you all and stick by you when you are facing adversity or backlash for our faith.
I have 3 questions...
1.)First one is the homeschooling curriculum that you have on this website the one you use in your home?
2.) Do you have any pets?
3.) Do you go swimming? If so girls what do you wear to be conservative?
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear back from you!!

Lily and Ellie said... 25

@Becky Ost

Hi Becky,

The homeschool resources that are listed on this pages are used and recommended by the Duggars.
The Duggars have dogs and cats in their house off and on, and the kids also enjoy playing with neighbors' animals.
The family enjoys going swimming, although they prefer to swim in places where people are modestly dressed. The girls wear swimsuits from wholesomewear.com.

Glad to have you as a reader! :)
Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said... 26


Hi Anonymous 25,

We read all comments and release them onto the blog in a timely matter. We aim to post all points of view but will not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste. If you notice that a comment of yours has been deleted, feel free to email us at DuggarFamilyBlog@gmail.com and we will be happy to explain why we were unable to post it. :)

~Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 27

I love watching your family!! you are all very very beautiful people.. <3

VictoriaSuzette said... 28

Thank you, Duggar family, for being such a beacon of God's light in this dark world. My daughter and I are rearing her son, and we love that we have such a large, whole family to watch together. We feel that your family is such a great example for us and him! Thank you, God bless you, and we are praying that God will keep you being this radiant light to the world.

Anonymous said... 29

I'm wondering why 19 kids is not streaming full episodes of this series on Hulu plus? When will the full episodes be streaming on Hulu plus?

Anonymous said... 30

I really enjoy watching your family show. I try to watch every episode. I love the values you put into the kids.

Anonymous said... 31

Most likely a tithe of ten percent, and probably offerings of different amounts...

Anonymous said... 32

I would like to suggest to Jim Bob and Michelle, to write a book about how they support their family, how Jim Bob was able top get involved in the commercial and residential properties.... is he a licensed real estate agent? Or merely an investor? Do they have a strict budget for everything? Love you all! God bless!

Anonymous said... 33

Thank you Duggars! I love Growing Up Duggar.

Amanda said... 34

Do you think that the girls will ever do a blog or book or how-to-video for long hairstyles? I love their hair and would love some tips!

Lily and Ellie said... 35


Hi Amanda,

Ellie filmed a hair tutorial with the Duggar girls earlier this year. Here is the link: http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/03/do-your-hair-like-duggar.html

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 36

Do you know if the courtship workbook above is the one mentioned during Jill and Derick's engagement (I believe the episode was Wedding Count Down)? Thank you.

Lily and Ellie said... 37


Hi ES,

Yes, the courtship workbook listed on this page is the same one Jill and Derick went through on the show.

Have a blessed New Year!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 38

What do you mean by having pets "off and on"? Pets are a lifetime responsibility. Pets have feelings and are domestic animals that must be cared for always.

Anonymous said... 39

Jinger is the only lefty, unless you want to include her Aunt Deanna & Cousin Amy.

Anonymous said... 40

are there excertps i want to read part of it pleeeeeeze put them out lil and ell

Anonymous said... 41

how do u know that

Anonymous said... 42

@ Anonymous 41 perhaps they take care of animals that need it & then rehome them or animals coming from neighbors that return home. I seem to recall them finding many kittens in the abandoned house they were fixing & they took them in & cared for them including several trips to the vet. They found so many I can't imagine them keeping them all & rescues do this all the time they foster them & then rehome.....

Anonymous said... 43

Hi I love the show. I had drifted from my relationship with Jesus, and this show helped me return to Him !! Thank you! You all shine the love, purity and goodness of God. How is Derick Dillard's mom doing? I find myself being led to pray for her... Thanks, Wendy

Lily and Ellie said... 44


Hi Wendy,

Derick's mom is doing very well. Her healing has been nothing short of a miracle.

We are blessed to have you as a reader. :)
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 45

Is there any news from Cousin Amy?

brittany Ceballos said... 46

I've met Jim bob and Michelle Duggar back in 09 I would like to meet Josie and the rest as I am a Twin and Preemie... brittany

Anonymous said... 47

Lily or Ellie, can you please provide a list of the board games that the Duggar's would recommend for young adults? I would really appreciate. Thanks.

Lily and Ellie said... 48


Hi Anonymous 50,

That's a great idea for a post! Some of their favorites include Phase 10, Settlers, and Bananagrams.

Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 49

@Becky Ost that's my name lol

Anonymous said... 50

You list some excellent guide books for what girls/young women should look for in a husband. With so many sons, is there a book you can recommend for what they should look for in a wife? I have been pretty frustrated trying to find something for our son, but there is so much out there for the girls. Maybe the Duggars could write something to fill the huge void in this area! Thank you!

Anonymous said... 51

are there quick looks on the books Lillie and Ellie?

Anonymous said... 52

Congratulations, I enjoy each show you share. I feel clean and pure at heart when I watch your family. Please continue the show until little Josie becomes an adult. We want to see everyone become young adults with your guidance.

Unknown said... 53

@Anonymous. Me too.lol

Unknown said... 54

@Anonymous. I read it over and over.LOL {R}

Anonymous said... 55

Regarding the Josh Duggar controversy. He was young--a 14-year-old adolescent when his abuse of girls took place. With the help of his family, his behavior was pulled into the light, not allowed to fester and grow secretly. He has not repeated the abuse of girls since that time. I feel certain of this, because he lives in an environment where he would be caught and checked if he resumed his abusive behaviors. I think this is very different from the way most abusers live. Even if they are discovered when young, the way they live, the people surrounding them, and the values openly held and vocally expressed by those in their familial group are different. I believe that Josh Duggar has grown into a man who can be trusted. I do think that he needs support, and I give him mine. KC

Anonymous said... 56

What kind of work does Ben do to make a living? ... Will all the boys follow to work for their dad or be able to follow a career of choice ...besides their tv show? Love the family and praying for a peaceful outcome for all concerned...

Anonymous said... 57

I agree with Anonymous 58. It's a mixed blessing. I have always loved the show and hope it will
continue but at this time the family probably could use some privacy from the overly judgemental
public who either don 't watch the show or are bashing the Duggers for the Christian beliefs. The
Duggers have my support!

Anonymous said... 58

Miss the Duggars :( It's a good thing we have 1 God and 1 God only because if man were God none of us would get forgiveness or enter into the kingdom of Heaven! As a Christian you will endure stumbling blocks and criticism for your beliefs..Josh has been forgiven by his victims,his family and most important Our Loving Father! Duggars have my support and I for one will continue to Pray for their Families!! The world needs more Love and a lot less hate....

Anonymous said... 59

God is absolutley amazing! Rejoice in every situation and in every circumstance. Trust and believe that God will see you through. Keeps smiling and spreading God's love to all.

Anonymous said... 60

How can I contact TLC? It saddens me that this world is so judgemental. I want to write them a heartfelt letter. God bless.

Anonymous said... 61

I watched the duggers everyday there a good christan family no ones perfect ppl make mistakes if we didnt make mistakes then we woulnt be human i think at least josh gettin help and anna counceling thats great then thinks will be better for them

Lily and Ellie said... 62


Hi there,

The Duggars have not released any CDs.

Lily and Ellie

Grace said... 63

So I want to have all of the episodes of 19 Kids and Counting on DVD. I can find the 17 and 18 Kids dvd's easily. But can you help me figure out how to look for all the 19 kids season? It seems a little confusing and I don't even know if they are all available. Thanks!

Julianne said... 64

Is there any CD out that has the Duggar family singing together on it, like "It's Through the Blood"?

Unknown said... 65

Going back to a question that someone asked , " I wonder if Jim Bob God gives part of what he makes to God . I believe that should be left
Up between the DUGGARS and God . It's like if you bought a new car and someone came up to and asked " did you give to God an
Equivalent amount to God ? ,". AsI said in the beginning of this reply , a statement like that should be left between God and the DUGGARS .

Anonymous said... 66

I would have like to see in the list a book about money management. I know the Duggars buy used and save the difference but i am wondering how exactly they do it. If they buy a baby shirt used and pay 1$ but at Walmart for example, such a shirt would cost 8$, do they put 7$ into a savings account? Do they check prices like that on everything they buy? It seems a tedious task to do so... Thank you. Caroline from Quebec, Canada

Marlene said... 67

I folks! I just wanted to leave a message that I do truly enjoy your shows. Your positive, upbeat and thankful attitudes are refreshing to hear. You have incredible family dynamics that require a lot of attention and the wonderful thing about you all is that you do for each other! That type of family support is perhaps the greatest gift you get to enjoy. All the best to you and what the future holds. This Canadian sends you blessings and side hugs. :)

Unknown said... 68

Just ordered your book - Growing Up Duggar. I saw it advertised yesterday and the subtitle really spoke to me. This is all about relationships, isn't it? Actually, I think it was on Pinterest while I was shopping for some modest skirt ideas that I saw the book ad. Going shopping now for a skirt:) I love you all and pray you stay strong. Greater is He in you than he who is in the world! Keep abiding in Christ, keeping your eyes on Him. All of this works out for the good, amen.
Have a blessed day. So thankful for you all.

Sandra said... 69

I would really like to order the updated "Growing Up Dugger" in paperback form, but I am only able to purchase the Ebook of the 2014 edition. Why is that?

Lily and Ellie said... 70


Hi Sandra,

Looks like its out of stock on Christian Book, but it's available on Amazon. :)

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 71

Just wondering how to watch the latest season of Counting On from Australia? Amazon won't let you buy the episodes without a US address/credit card

Anonymous said... 72

I don't think so, since they got the chicken pox.

Anonymous said... 73

Hi! So I have a quick question. What audio sermons do the Duggar's listen to or recommend. Thank you in advance!

Anonymous said... 74

Hi! Ive been looking for the children's ABC book Jim Bob recommended a couple years back. Cant remmember where i saw it,but i do remember it had something to do with ABCs and Bible memory...can u help me, by chance? Thanks!

Anonymous said... 75

Whats going on with Jill Duggar?

Julianne said... 76

@Anonymousjinger is the only left handed of the original 19 children !

Anonymous said... 77

I have been a fan of your family for years. I love Michelle’s patience and hard work. I especially love Michelle and JimBob’s relationship with each other and the example that they set for all of the children. I am from a Roman Catholic family. Six of my mother’s seven siblings have stayed in the faith. However, only three of my seven siblings still go to church. I blame the growing influence of television and social media use. My husband and I, as well as my brother’s and sister’s family have raised our children to be chaste and save sex for marriage only. Some of our children are grown and have beautiful growing families like the adult Duggar children. I have noticed that I am less strict with my younger children than I was with my older kids. My middle son passed away from leukemia when he was 19 years old. Please pray that my children remain in the church or join another Christian denomination like yours. I will continue to pray for your family. God bless you all!

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Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.