Q: What is one of the Duggars' favorite restaurants? (Hint: Whenever they eat there, someone always orders the Chocolate Mess.)
A: MarketPlace Grill. The Duggars have made a lot of memories at this restaurant, which has four locations across Northwest Arkansas.

Q: What are the Duggars' favorite board games and indoor activities?
A: The family's favorite board games include Phase 10, Settlers of Catan, Apples to Apples, Bananagrams, Telestrations, Dutch Blitz, Checkers Chess, Uno, and Skip-Bo. They also enjoy doing puzzles, holding spontaneous coloring contests, and playing four square, foosball, and ping pong.

Q: What outdoor sports do the Duggars play together?
A: The Duggar are always up for being active. They enjoy playing a variety of sports, including basketball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, football, and kickball.

Q: How many home births has Michelle experienced?
A: Two of Michelle's children have been born at home (Jinger and Joseph).

Q: Why is it a family rule not to dance?
A: It is not a rule but is a personal conviction that both Jim Bob and Michelle share.

Q: Do the Duggars give their kids timeouts?
A: Yes, but typically not for correction. When the children are becoming overly rowdy, Michelle tells them to grab a book and sit quietly to calm down.

Q: What brought upon the need to bring 19 children into an overpopulated world?
A: "One of the greatest myths in today's society is that the world is overpopulated," says Jim Bob in an episode. "By raising these children to love the Lord and to serve and love others...that hopefully is going to make a difference for good in our world," says Michelle.

Q: What religion are the Duggars?
A: Independent Baptist

Q: How large is the Duggar' house, and how much did it cost?
A: 7,000 square feet. The original kit that they purchased from Kodiak Steel Homes cost $82,000 but had defective I-beams. The owner of the company sent out a new set and graciously allowed the Duggars to keep the old ones. For an extra $5,000, Jim Bob was able to purchase enough supplies to use all of the beams, which resulted in a home twenty-four feet longer than the family had originally planned for--at a bargain price.

Q: How did the Duggars become debt-free?
A: After working through Jim Sammon's Financial Freedom Seminar, Jim Bob and Michelle sold their home and rented until they had saved up enough to buy a fixer-upper. They began following the motto "Buy Used and Save the Difference" and have been debt-free for years.

Q: How do the Duggars keep their kids safe on the internet?
A: The Duggars use internet blocks and filters.

Q: What are the names of the songs that the Duggars sing as a family?
A: The Duggars' favorite songs to sing include: "I've Been Redeemed," "It's Through the Blood," "I'm Standing on the Solid Rock," "May the Lord, Mighty God," and "Sweeter Gets the Journey."

Q: How does Michelle put her little ones to sleep?
A: Over the years, Michelle has purposed to make bedtime fun. She teaches them to obey joyfully, rather than grumbling or complaining. To calm her little ones down, she will often read aloud, play a CD of melodious music, or encourage them to lie quietly and sing a song to Jesus. Before they drift off, Michelle prays with her children and asks God to give them beloved sleep.

Q: Why so many "J" names?
A: You may be surprised to hear that Jim Bob and Michelle did not set out to have a brood of children with "J" names. As new parents, they fell in love with the name Joshua, after the courageous biblical character. Nearly two years later, Jim Bob and Michelle were blessed with twins. The two names that they chose, Jana and John-David, just happened to start with the letter "J." Not knowing how many more children God would give them, the young couple decided to name their next child, Jill, with a "J" name as well, just in case she was their last. As their family grew, Jim Bob and Michelle continued the tradition so that none of their children would feel left out. The family has had a lot of fun choosing unique "J" names over the years; everyone likes to join in on the action!

Q:  How do the Duggars patiently train their children to complete household tasks?
A: Jim Bob and Michelle purpose to praise their children ten times more than they correct them. According to Jim Bob, when parents give up their right to a spotless home, then they are free to focus on the positive and praise their children for the things they have done right. Instead of reprimanding a well-meaning child for splashing water all over the kitchen counter, praise them for washing the dishes. When a little one spills milk on the floor while fixing breakfast, praise them for their initiative. After all, practice makes perfect.

Q: Are the Duggars part of the QuiverFull movement?
A: The Duggars write in their second book, A Love That Multiplies: "Even though Wikipedia and some Internet blogs report that we are part of a QuiverFull movement, we are not. We are simply Bible-believing Christians who desire to follow God's Word and apply it to our lives" (page 92).

Q: How many children did Jim Bob and Michelle have when they began filming? 
A: Before picking up a weekly TLC series, the Duggars filmed five, hour-long specials. The first, "14 Children and Pregnant Again," shows the birth of Jackson (baby 15). "Raising 16 Children" documents Johannah's debut, and Jennifer's entrance into the big world is recorded in "Duggars' Big Family Album."

335 Comments: Click Here to Add Yours:

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Jennifer Grattan said... 1

I just learned that the Bates family has a one hour special on this evening. Hooray! I am truly excited; I really enjoy watching when they visit the Duggars. Both families are such an inspiration- perfect examples for American families, especially our youth. Jim Bob and Gil need to start their own network featuring only shows that are Christian-based, representing values and lifestyles that we all should aspire to. Thanks Jim Bob and Michelle for opening your lives and home to the rest of us and giving us all something to strive for. God bless!

Anonymous said... 2

I am grateful to the Duggars for opening their home and sharing their lives with the public. The Bible says few among you should become teachers because teachers have to live by a higher standard, James 3:1. I think that the Duggars are teaching the public about living an abundant life in Christ and I think they take the challenge of being his ambassadors seriously. I have gained from this Godliness.

Anonymous said... 3

This FAQ page is a great idea. You're going to change the questions sometimes right?

Lily and Ellie said... 4


Hi Sandy,

We will definitely be adding new questions.

Thanks for being a loyal reader!
Lily and Ellie

Heather C said... 5

I love watching the Duggar on tv! I think the way they have and are raising their family is incredible !!

Anonymous said... 6

there r two inspirational channelson tv, why dont they watch them. religion, the waltons, etc,

Anonymous said... 7

This FAQ place is nice, but could you possibly add more questions in the near future? I really love this website, especially because all the things on here are true facts.

Thanks! :)

Lily and Ellie said... 8


Thanks for your comment. We are glad to have you as a reader. We just added several questions to the FAQs page and plan on updating it every few weeks.

Have a great holiday weekend,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 9

I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed that Jana hasn't been filmed in quite some time. Anyone know anything about her absence?


Anonymous said... 10

I love the show.How do the children stand up for their mother when people say bad stuff about her?

Grace said... 11

My family and I have taken the regular cable out of our home. It has been close to 3 years. We have a christian based cable company called Sky Angel. But we don't get to see your show. Any chance your show will be shown on sky Angel?

Joan of Ark said... 12

Just saw a post that says your family spends $3K a month for groceries? Is this a typo? I fed my family of ten for $100 a week....doubling would make that $200 a week times 4= $800. Even if it was rounded to $1K...that's a lot different than $3K.

Lily and Ellie said... 13

@Joan of Ark

Hi Joan of Ark,

$3,000 is what Michelle told the Today Show this week. There are many factors that could affect the number, including where you live, the stores you shop at, whether or not you buy in bulk, what you buy, and the ages and appetites of the kids.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 14

Sara Mitchell asks...How do the Duggar's potty train?

Brittney S. said... 15

Do you know if there going to have another season on TLC? I hope they really do! I love watching there show ever week!

Lily and Ellie said... 16

@Brittney S.

Hi Brittney,

The show will return for another season, but TLC has not yet announced the start date. We will post it when they do.

We are glad to have you as a reader!
Lily and Ellie

Karen Arbour said... 17

Does anyone know what scripture was read at jubilee's funeral?

Anonymous said... 18

I was wondering if you could answer this question, Lily and Ellie. Do the Duggar girls ever get teased or looked down on for being modest. If they do, how do they deal with it. I wear modest skirts and swimwear, and people laugh and tease me for doing that. I know that this is the way the Lord wants me to dress, so I try not to let it get to me, but it can be hard. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 19

I thought the Duggars were Southern Baptist. They said so on one of the 17 Kids and Counting episodes. Did you get that wrong, or did they change?

Lily and Ellie said... 20


Hi Anonymous,

We have most recently heard that they are Independent Baptist.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Gina said... 21

Hi, I love your family! and have enjoyed a few of the shows (I too do not watch TV that often, but when I do I try to be careful of what I watch)
I am curious as to how many of the children are LEFT HANDED?

-gina---> a lefty ((:

Anonymous said... 22


I'm not sure if any of the Duggar kids are lefty's, but I know Cousin Amy is!

Anonymous said... 23

jinger is left handed...so am i...lol...

Anonymous said... 24

I love the answer the Duggar girls give about dating. "Talk to my dad." If any boy ever asks me on a date, then that will be my answer. If a guy truly has feelings for you, then he won't be afraid to face my father.

Anonymous said... 25

Hi Lillie and Ellie,
I was wondering, when will the bates family new season start?

Lily and Ellie said... 26


Hi Anonymous,

We recently heard that the Bates' eight-episode series is scheduled to air in August. We will post details when we receive them.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Jonathan Warren said... 27

Hi. You mention that the family prefer to have family game nights instead of TV. I am interested in the types of games that the Duggar family enjoys. What titles are your favourites?

delia said... 28

are any of the other duggar children courting?

Lily and Ellie said... 29


Hi delia,

None right now. :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Lily and Ellie

Natachi said... 30

hi i love watching the duggars i came here to get some ideas for school, i said i would talk about the duggars since we are doing about names in my english clas :D
thanks, keep up with the good work
Natachi xxx

Anonymous said... 31

Has any of the children differ in their beliefs than you? And if they do, how will you handle that?

Anonymous said... 32

April 28th anonymous, I have no doubt the Duggar girls get teased and I'm so sorry. You. Do too i am guessing you are a teen or young adult and I can tell you that these days will end sooner than you know and people will grow out of teasing you so stand strong on your belief of modesty don't look done on those who don't share your views and before you know it you will be old enough that people won't care how you dress, the may even say sorry. I know you posted this months ago but I hope you read this, please tell me when you do xx Lisa

Anonymous said... 33

Hi Lisa! Thank you for answering my question. :) I am a teenager, and because of the modesty, not a typical one. I really appreciate your advice. Most girls my age aren't as modest as I am, so I guess they find my modesty odd, which I am okay with. I will stick with my way! It is nice to know people, like you, care enough to answer my question. I am the only one in my family that believes in modesty, so it can be difficult at times, but thanks to you, I'm gonna stick with it!!! God bless you!

Anonymous said... 34

@Lily and Ellie

Can You post more about the Duggars' Modesty???


Great Blog!

Anonymous said... 35

hi duggar family i know it is hard to loose a child, i love babies, they are the best feeling in life to have. dont give up on your dream. ;-)

Anonymous said... 36

Where do you get all of this information about the duggars and how do u interveiw them?

Lily and Ellie said... 37


Hi Anonymous,

Research, research, research-that's the key to a successful blog.

Thanks for reading,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 38

I'd really like to date one of the duggar daughters how should I go about doing this? Contacts?

Adria said... 39

Do you have 19 children or 20? I remember that in the first episode you went to have dinner with your oldest daughter and her toddler son. She no longer lives with you. Is she counted in the 19?

Lily and Ellie said... 40


Hi Adria,

The Duggars have 19 children and two grandchildren (from their oldest son and his wife). Perhaps you are thinking about a different show?

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 41

why do the duggar girls only do what is pleasing to daddy? is that found anywhere in the bible?

Left Behind The Kids said... 42

@Anonymous at 10:18am,

The Bible says to honor your parents in multiple verses, and it is one of the ten commandments. :)

Anonymous said... 43

Why do they give people their family pictures when they travel?

Anonymous said... 44

@ANONYMOUS SEPTEMBER 19 2012 11:40AM. They give people family pictures because they want people to have a picture of their family. Hope this was helpfully. Hanna

Anonymous said... 45

I spend more than a hundred for two people no one c feed 10 for a hundred a week and when my other sons home from school its more he's big.

Anonymous said... 46

I think this show is great love the family and inspired by how loving the mother is but no TV isn't that going to set them back I mean u do learn politics and good disney movies ghey coukd just pick s show a day to watch . And I thought I saw one of the teens with a cell phone white one are they allowed to have .Aldo whats there ages.
Thanks Rebecca

emilee said... 47

Rebecca- Their ages rabge from 2 years old to mid 20's.

Elizabeth said... 48

Hello Lily and Ellie, I'm a big fan of the duggars and your blog. I was wondering if you could find out the weight and length of all 19 duggar children? I think it would be interesting to see if there was a big range or fairly around the same weight and length for their babies. Thankyou, Elizabeth

Anonymous said... 49

Hello. I am just going to ask a question that's been bugging me. If the Duggars are Independent Baptists, why don't they strictly use the KJV Holy Bible? I've looked on one of their their websites and they don't use it. No offense toward anyone. I'm just wondering.

Anonymous said... 50

Hi Lily and Ellie,
I was wondering...If the Duggars are Independent Baptists, then why do they not go to a church where a Pastor is there to teach and to exhort? I know they have home church, but that is not Scriptural. The Bible says we are to have a man of God leading us, a Pastor. Do you know why they do not believe this? Thanks!

Left Behind The Kids said... 51

@Anonymous at 1:42pm Oct. 30,

I'm not sure what version of the Bible the Duggars use, but I'm also Baptist and I use the NIV. I don't know where you heard that but Baptists don't strictly use the KJV, they use all different versions. Hope this helps! :)

Anonymous said... 52

@ Left Behind The Kids.
Thank you!

Anonymous said... 53

Hey, I share the concern about hormonal pills, but did the Duggars try non-hormonal contraceptives?

Anonymous said... 54

Hi Lily and Ellie,

Thank you for the wonderful and encouraging blog.
I just want to notice that the answer on the question if some of the Duggars have Facebook or Twitter is not correct.
You see, Joshua has a Twitter and Instagram account and Anna and Amy have an Instagram account too.

I hope this will help ou!
Thanks you!

Anonymous said... 55

@Anonymous I agree with you know black children or families ever. Why such fascination with them too!Ava Byler

Sandra said... 56

I don't see their program on TLC anymore; have they been cncld ?

Lily and Ellie said... 57


Hi Sandra,

TLC has not announced a start date but assured us that the Duggars will be back in 2013.

Happy New Year!
Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 58

We have ten kids at home under the age of 13!! Our house is just as crazy as the duggers because of all the young ones!!

Unknown said... 59

Hi I was wondering if the Duggar's have cell phone? And computers? Love their show!!!

Unknown said... 60

If you are blessed with another child would like to share my name with you. My name is JoCindy. It is unusual and have not heard anyone esle that has it. GOD Blessed and takw care.

Anonymous said... 61

Hi, Mostly I enjoy watching the Duggars. Although I don't believe the same as they do it is good to see moral people in this world. The two things that irritate me about them is that they believe only their religion is correct(it annoyed me when Jim Bob was asking the man in Scotland if he was a Christian) and the fact he says it's a myth that the world is overpopulated. DUH, true there are areas of the world where few or no people live but that is because they are uninhabitable for various reasons. Maybe JB Should send his kids to some of the areas that are nothing but 130degree desert with little or no water,and areas where food can't be grown due to lack of water and or fertile soil and other types of lands that for whatever reasons people can't live and prosper. THEN I will agree with him. Just because there is empty land in the world doesn't mean it is useful for people to live in.

Taryn said... 62


The world's population may actually be declining. There are some countries who pay their citizens to have babies.



Anonymous said... 63


Why do you think that all IFB members do or should use only the KJV? Do all not IFB people use only the NIV? NO. People have the right to think for themselves regardless of what denomination they belong to. Perhaps the Duggars have done their own research into Bible translations and learned the truth about KJV Onlyism, which is something KJV Only types refuse to do. Kudos to the Duggars for not letting themselves be boxed in by a legalistic standard that ties them only to the 400-year-old English of the KJV!

Unknown said... 64

Colossians 3:12-25 makes me think of the Dugger family. They are a real blessing to me. I enjoy dvr-ing the show and look forward to watching the Bates family too. Is it possible to corrispond with them? May the Lord bless them in all they do!
In this life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last!

Anonymous said... 65

Life looks very busy in the Duggar household! I'm intrigued by the film crew and all that they witness. Sometimes the little ones get a little rambunctious. Has anyone on the film crew ever had to "step in" and rectify a situation or prevent a mishap? Do Jim Bob and Michelle allow the film crew to take an active role in their family when a situation calls for it?

Anonymous said... 66

Has anybody met the Duggars?

Anonymous said... 67

May 21 did not have the Duggars on TLC. I wrote and called them and the cable service. They said they still have TLC, but TLC di not show the Duggers. Some show with Jo Frost. So we missed the end of the weight lost competition between Jim Bob and Josh and did Josh decide to go to DC job?

Lily and Ellie said... 68


Hi Barb,

Josh accepted the job in Washington D.C. He starts next week.

~Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 69

Where does it say in the Bible that there has to be a "man of God" teach us? I've only read that no man teaches only the Holy Spirit....."organized church" came out of the catholic mindset, all of the early churches were home churches that studied the torah and past around the epistles to be copied and passed on to the next home church ;)
God Bless!

Anonymous said... 70

I find it odd that ppl share the thought that the duggers are in a cult. Why is it that when ppl are true followers of christ and live with the lord present in everything they are judged it's seems if you don't live your life as a sinner you are odd and looked at differently shouldn't be the other way around

JENN CAMPBELL said... 71

I believe if u have anything bad to say,then u 1 shudnt say it 2 shudnt watch ther show and 3 ,pay attention to ur own life and leave people alone,sounds like alot of bullying going on here..ive watched this show from way back wen ,ans im of color,and i also have seen them interact with all races ( including blacks) ,diff countrys,and ther beliefs is THEIR beliefs,back off believe in wat u believe,i dont and neva have found or seen them people to eva be judgemental people,and if they was to eva leave a comment on here i highly doubt it wud be negative,rude,nor,judgemental,and as far as for michele being a good mom,shes by far 1 of the best mothers ive eva seen,i give that woman the up most respect any woman could eva have,wat she goes and been threw,and so wat if her older children help her out,just goes toshow shes raised some great respectful kids,she also dont need to ask for ther help they automaticaly do so..So i suggest befor people pass judgement on others,take a long look at ur own life,or just get over the jealousy,cuz thats obviously wat its about!! Also cable jas many other shiws on,u dont perfere the Duggers,then go watch PBS (cartoons),seems suitable foe ur childish comments
Have a great day...
Duggers Rule,and i hope they neva cancele ther episodes and if so repeats are always watchable
Jenn campbell

Anonymous said... 72


We attend their church and can't even answer this one. JimBob likes to make everyone watch those Embassy videos pretty much all of the time. Occasionally, one of the men in the church are allowed to share something from God. It is a very sad thing to have so many strong believers with no meat ever being taught from the word of God. So, I really cannot answer why. I think he just wants to stay in control of things, but he's very rarely at church these days. I don't even know why we keep going, to be honest.

Anonymous said... 73

The Bible says Where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20 KJV

Anonymous said... 74

The Duggars are truly a lovely and spiritual family. I just don't understand why the females only wear dresses. It really doesn't make sense to me. I find it to be demeaning if that is all they are allowed to wear. I don't understand how a pair of nice pants is showing off their knees or upper thighs. Does it say in the bible that females are only allowed to wear skirts? I am not trying to be disrespectful, but in looking things up on the issue of skirts, I can't find anything that makes sense to me. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 75

To answer a couple of questions:

Having grown up IFB like the Duggars, though not as strictly, I can answer a couple of questions. No, the IFB's definitely do not use the NIV. They almost all exclusively use the KJV. Some are KJV only, and some not. Most would agree with the idea that the KJV is the best possible translation that is taken from the most credible sources. If you'd like to know more about that, there is a video on Youtube that explains the KJV pretty well, though to warn it is KJV only - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNZ-sOzXWEk.

As far the comment from Shelly Higgins. Yes, the first churches were churches based on the Jewish law, because at the time, Peter and the Jesus' other Apostles didn't have any other scripture.

Paul's churches on the other hand would have been much more similar to the churches of today. He is the one who brought the message of Christ to the Gentiles. He is also the one who introduced Deacon's and "Bishops" or what we now call Ministers or Pastors, and gave rules concerning what they were and what they were not to be (I Timothy chapter 3).

The Baptist movement is historically believed to have stemmed from those churches. John Bunyan and others like him having taken their ideas from those Pre-Catholic/Pre-Reformation Christians.

Anonymous said... 76

how old is the youngest baby

Anonymous said... 77

Praise the Lord for this family! You're a great testimony for Christ. I love your show!

Lily and Ellie said... 78


Hi Anonymous,

Jim Bob and Michelle's youngest child turns 4 in December. Their youngest grandchild was born in June.

~Lily and Ellie

Faith said... 79

What a GREAT Show, You all are amazing. One question. Why wont Jim Bob and Michelle make a garden and have live stock at home since they try to eat healthy, they got lots of hands to work in garden. they would safe 3rd of the $$$$ on groceries. Fresh fruits/vegies/herbs are much healthier and organic non GMO then canned stuff. God Bless You All :)

Anonymous said... 80

who is josh working for in Washington/we love the show

Lily and Ellie said... 81


Hi Anonymous,

Josh is the new Executive Director of FRC Action. FRC Action is an affiliate of the Family Research Council and was founded "to educate the general public and cultural leaders about traditional American values and to promote the philosophy of the Founding Fathers concerning the nature of ordered liberty."

~Lily and Ellie

Amy said... 82

Any idea why TLC no longer shows episodes of 17 or 18 kids and Counting?

Anonymous said... 83

Where do the girls, get the white flower look necklace? I've seen them wearing in different episodes

Anonymous said... 84

I think my son & Jana would make a great match. Hes of African descent love
Loves horses.farms & I think would make great fit to Duggar family. How do I get to know the family better: are they open to meeting other families; AA family who loves God?

Anonymous said... 85

How tall are the adult children; JB seems tall?

jill b cornwall said... 86

i have enjoyed watching there shows from the start ,and get great help from there look on life may they carry on for many years spreading there good morals .i am still waiting in england to see the next series does anybody know god bless

Anonymous said... 87

why does Michelle Duggar wear the same type shirt in different colors over and over? Her daughters wear shorter skirts at times and pretty blouses. Michelle is pretty. but her clothes, Ugh

Anonymous said... 88

How did Josh get such a good job with no education? Did his car dealership fail?

Anonymous said... 89

How can Michelle teach her kids with no education herself?

Anonymous said... 90

How can any of the Duggars sons and daughters met someone and get married if they are not allowed out in world to meet some one etc?

Anonymous said... 91

If you read the Bible, it is rather obvious that early churches were organized institutions, with established elders, deacons, etc. Most of the New Testament was written to organized churches. Where they meet is irrelevant, but there are no examples of single family home churches.

Regarding two or three gathered, context is key. That chapter is speaking of "organized" church discipline, and the two or three is referring back to the witnesses to an offense.

Anonymous said... 92

Does Jana still live at home?

Anonymous said... 93

I would be very interested to know what the older children's careers are. We know Jana is studying to be a doula and Jill wants to be a midwife. What about all the others?

Anonymous said... 94

Yeah, they are set in such a way salute

Anonymous said... 95

Surely the Duggars have become 'Rich' from Their Show on TLC, so is it really necessary for 'Jim Bob' & 'Michelle' to seemingly work so hard, on the show, to make it look as though They're barely making Ends meet! I mean really, Where's the 'Reality' in that on Their Show? I'm sure You won't divulge what Their contract pays Them!

Unknown said... 96

Your family has brought me such a special joy and I learn parenting of my 11 month old from your show. Thank you duggars

Anonymous said... 97

I am curious about what courtship is i have nevet dated and think this is the best option god would want me to do

Anonymous said... 98

Why don't the dugger plant two plum trees.and two peach trees. And some Tomato plant. and different types of herbs. This would help save them money on food bill a month.

Anonymous said... 99

The Duggars do not watch TV in their home but profit from other families who watch TV. Like a vegetarian who profits from their ownership of a cattle ranch. Follow the money.

Anonymous said... 100

How do you find out their tour schedule or appearances in advance? It seems like we never hear about them until after the fact. Thanks!

Lisa M said... 101

@JENN CAMPBELL Amen, well said. :)

Lily and Ellie said... 102

@Steve and Carrie Whitson

Hi Steve and Carrie,

Check out the Appearances page for a schedule of the Duggars' events: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/p/appearances.html

~Lily and Ellie:)

Anonymous said... 103

It amazes me that people get on here and say the cruel things they do. The Duggars are such an inspiration. I admire Michelle for her Christ like spirit and love. For those who say she does nothing.... She does more than you think. When you have children, it is wise to teach them responsibility. They are only filmed 3 days a week, so we don't see EVERYTHING. As far as their finances, they are debt free and do not accept outside help. I have seen several episodes where Jim Bob has donated money or helped the less fortunate. I also know Michelle has stated several times that they are about serving others and teaching their children the same.
They don't think TVs are wrong, it's what's on them that's wrong and therefore they choose not to have one. What's the point? They do their TV show as a ministry and it has blessed and touched many lives. They are an encouragement and an example of what a Christian family should be. If you don't like the show or what thru believe, don't watch it... It's that simple! :)

Anonymous said... 104

Having grown up IFB, there is much too much about this family that disturbs me. I cringe watching the Duggars more than I do when watching Sister Wives. At least Kody and his 4 wives teach their children how to have independent thought and prepare them for living in the real world. 18 years in the IFB bubble taught me nothing but fear for anything and anyone who is different from the robot I was taught to be. The Duggars are classic IFB.

Anonymous said... 105

I would like to know the Duggars views on homosexuality. If one of their children were gay would they disown them or would they show them love. I have a gay child and I love him unconditionally. Would they be as accepting? This question is a serious not to be profane, nor derogatory, nor in poor taste. God loves all his children the same.

Anonymous said... 106

WOW! You are my inspiration. Also where do you get all that money for the groceries every month? Thank You very much!

Shannon Elle said... 107

Do the Duggars have Black friends?

Anonymous said... 108

I think it's interesting how alot of ppl have jumped on this "bully bandwagon" , and are quick to call someone "homohobic" or accuse them of a so called "hate crime". Then the same ppl come on here and say the nastiest things about this family. Sounds like the same thing they call bullying to me. Just because they don't embrace or agree with your " alternative" lifestyles doesn't mean they hate anyone. Just like anybody else that comes on TV and promotes their beliefs, no matter how sick or twisted, they are doing the same. Practice what you preach, mind your own business, and if you don't like them or their beliefs, then change the channel. No one is making you watch.

Anonymous said... 109

With the way the world is today, it is a blessing to have a family oriented show, that focuses on family and God.

Steve and Amethyst said... 110

I have a question I would love for the Duggars to answer. I would really like to start homeschooling my kids but just don't know how to get started. How did you get started? Any good websites I should check out? Any help would help.
Thank you

Lily and Ellie said... 111

@Steve and Amethyst

Hi Steve and Amethyst,

Here are some links to posts that provide homeschooling advice from the Duggars:

Duggars' Homeschool Routine: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/michelle-duggar-interview-homeschooling.html

Duggars' Homeschool Curricula Recommendations: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/duggars-on-homeschool-curricula.html

Why do the Duggars Homeschool? http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/why-do-duggars-homeschool.html

Homeschooling Advice From Michelle Duggar: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/homeschooling-advice-from-michelle.html

Learning Curves: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/michelle-duggar-on-learning-curves.html

Hope this helps!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 112

How many children do the duggers have???? do they want anymore kids????

Anonymous said... 113

When will the Duggars be back on TV? Just love that show.

Anonymous said... 114

When will the Duggars show air again? Like the show very much!

Lily and Ellie said... 115


Hi Anonymous 121,

TLC is hoping to air the season premiere in March.

Happy New Year!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 116

In the FAC, it answers on how to "what would it take to date a duggar girl" well, what would it take to date a duggar girl?

Anonymous said... 117

Whoops! I made a mistake in my last posted question. So we shall try it again.. In the FAC, it answers on "what would it take to date a Duggar girl" Well, what would it take to date a Duggar boy? Or even to be pursued by one?

Anonymous said... 118

I'm sure this is FAQ for the Duggar girls, but could they post the answer or make a video on how they do their hair, basic hair maintenance (ie how often do they trim, if they trim it at all) etc. Also where do they turn or find their fashion tips from (considering they don't watch TV and I'm assuming they don't follow style magazines)?

Thanks! God Bless!

Anonymous said... 119

I have a question is there. any way.to.contact.as far.as.email for any of the duggar family I would love ti

Lily and Ellie said... 120


Hi Anonymous 126,

You can email the Duggars at duggarmail@gmail.com.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 121

Hi Lily & Ellie!
Do you know where the Duggar girls purchase their shirts? I know people always ask about their skirts, but I love the bright colorful tips that they have worn the past few years! All of the Duggar girls are beautiful and set such a great example for their peers! Thank you!!

Lily and Ellie said... 122


Hi Anonymous 128,

The girls enjoy shopping for shirts at Cato Fashions (http://www.catofashions.com/) and local thrift shops. They also look for deals on the sale racks at discount and department stores.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 123

I want to be in a courtship but my family is not religious. I made the decision to become part of the church without growing up with those beliefs. How would that work?

TLC13 said... 124

I have watched the show for most of it's history and don't remember ever seeing Jim Bob have a 'real job' that he works at to contribute to/support his family. I love the show and the values they put forth but am just confused by this one issue that doesn't seem to be touched upon. Also, I have never seen such a beautiful group of children (inside and out), all of the older children have been so much fun to watch as they have matured.

Anonymous said... 125

Lilly and Ellie, My questions are: How many babies in diapers have they had at once? And why do the younger girls wear pants/shorts. I saw an episode where they were picking grapes and two of the little girls were wearing pretty short shorts...-J

upndnglo said... 126

@Anonymoushow refreshing! I wish I had been more like you when I was young rather than worrying if I "fit in"! I know it would have led me to a much happier life. Stand strong and know that you are pleasing not only the Los, but many other women like myself!

Anonymous said... 127

Can anyone tell me something? I remember seeing an old show in which all the family was involved. One son has a condition that makes him an albino and he can't be in the sun. The family was doing a baseball game against another team. Where is that young man now?

Anonymous said... 128

My daughter is the oldest of 6. We had a dysfunctional family, although she had parental roles. She got involved with a bit when she was 18. She is now 22 and expecting her fourth child. He is not good for her. She lives with us. I've begged her to think, make smart decisions. He doesn't provide for her. Uses her for money. I'm heartbroken. I don't think I have the strength to help care for yet another child.

Anonymous said... 129

I agree if anything i thing jeans or pants would be more better as there isnt any openings and they can move around stuff a skirt rises and has that opening easy to lift

Anonymous said... 130

Lol good luck with that hes a film major he has to watch all sorts of films which the duggars may deem inappropriate....lol

Anonymous said... 131

Have you seen their kids hang with friends?do you see one kid draw rainbow. In the house even though we have all drawn them as kids?have u seen them with same sex familys preaching or spending the word?theyll be kind to u sure,but after they probably are praying for what they consider your sinful ways..look how hard they are about wearing jeans...or bathing suits and even dancing..since when does the hoki poki turn a guy on?

Anonymous said... 132

Im happy

Anonymous said... 133

They have twice as many mouths to feed, plus grandma. Every family is different.

Unknown said... 134

Also remember that she buys breakfast, lunch, dinner, &snacks because her children are home-schooled. That's the difference right there.

Andrea Ryan said... 135

What could possibly be wrong with dancing. There is such thing as dancing that isn't dirty. Sad.

Anonymous said... 136

Yes, children are a blessing but not everyone can provide for their children the lifestyle every human being deserves. If you cannot afford a child and provide for them, you should NOT have children. It is not a blessing to have children who grow up in poor living conditions. The world is over populated, contrary to what they say. And mostly with people who grow up in poverty. There aren't enough resources. So I strongly disagree with the Duggars encouraging having lots of children. Would God really want people to keep having children when they are just setting up another human being to live a miserable life? I think not. The Duggars should stress that not everyone is called to have large families. Especially when they are unable to provide for them. Or in the case of Josie, the mother putting her child at risk of health concerns by having children at an older age. That is not okay. She was not put in a situation where she HAD to have kids later in life. God didn't say multiply. He said be FRUITFUL and multiply. I think everyone should keep that in mind before having children. The Duggars have superb Christian beliefs and family values, but they are ignorant of the realities of poverty. Birth control is not a bad thing when it prevents suffering. Or prevents depriving the children you already have.

Jumping Castles said... 137

It indeed is a great family blog site! Love coming here.

Anonymous said... 138

Deuteronomy 22:5

Lynne said... 139

I can't believe I didn't know about this show before last night. I was happy to run across it! What an inspiration this family is, especially in their kindness to one another. The world could take a lesson from the Duggars!

Anonymous said... 140

@Anonymous I couldn't agree more. Thank you, Duggar family. I wish my dh and I had known more about bring up our children as you have.

lisa said... 141

@brandy murray because it's their choice to do so. Just because you wouldn't doesn't mean they shouldn't. Sounds a little judgmental to me.

lisa said... 142

@Anonymous I agree with you. Its amazing how judgmental people can be. It'd be nice for the critical ones to keep their negative comments to themselves. I think the Duggars are doing a wonderful job.

lisa said... 143

@Anonymous apparently the rest of the world does not have the same critical and judgmental thoughts as you.

lisa said... 144

@Anonymous I'm sure that with a family that large her main concern is providing for the children and not concerned with wearing the latest in-style overly priced outfit. Looks to me she has her priorities in line......

Anonymous said... 145

I very much admire your family. I find myself wishing that I could have been brought up this way, and would have carried on to my own children. Through years of watching the show I feel like I know you all! Michelle.. my only worry is that you could endanger your life or your newborn's if you continue to have children at this later stage in life. You can always adopt if you want to add to your family.. That child would be one lucky child!! Praise God for allowing us all a peak inside your wonderful loving family and thank you for sharing your life with us!

Leigh Ann S said... 146

Are there any books on courting that the Duggars recommend for teenage girls?

Lily and Ellie said... 147

@Leigh Ann S

Hi Leigh Ann S.,

The Duggars recommend "Before You Meet Prince Charming" by Sarah Mally for teenage girls. Ellie read it several years ago and really enjoyed it.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 148

I couldn't agree more! The duggars are a great teacher to everyone! I have tried & succeeded in being calmer with my children because of the way I see them praise their kids.

Unknown said... 149

I love this family they have blessed me so much. I strive to have that love, I would like to pattern myself after Michelle Duggar How she treats her family.

Anonymous said... 150

Where do the Duggar kids get their musical talent from? The parents don't play any instruments as far as I know.

Unknown said... 151

Hope mine posted.. but if not here goes again.. umm why is your oldest son and daughter in law now able to hold hands while courting and now your 2nd daughter is allowed? That makes no sense please. Let me know and I know this is correct cause I rewatched the show recently after I saw the preview of the newest court ship...

Unknown said... 152

It seems like they leave some of those decisions up to the couple in the courtship. It could also be age related. Either way, it seems to be up to them and not us. It looks like they're doing a pretty good job.

Anonymous said... 153

I recently watched the 19 Kids and Counting show where Michelle and Jim Bob took Jessa and her new boyfriend Ben on a double date and I found Jim Bob's behaviour quite inappropriate, He was "hugging" Michelle and then asked her if what he was doing "turned her on!" I thought this was extremely in appropriate behaviour especially in front of Jessa and Ben and then for Michelle to comment on the fact that she and Jim Bob can do this because they are married and even Jim Bob says he wants the children to see that he and their mother are affectionate with each other because they love each other is contradictory. It's as if they were taunting Jessa and Ben. Michelle even says to the camera that the kids could not do this until they were married and then she laughs! Very strange behaviour. I'm pretty liberal and I would never dream of saying something so inappropriate in front of my kids. Showing affection is one thing but Jim Bob's comments were offensive. Did anyone else watch the show and have any comments on this?

Anonymous said... 154

And they provide food for guests that they have often.

Tammy said... 155

I have watched the Duggers from the beginning . I think they are a true blessing in many peoples homes. I hope they will be on for many more years ...

Tammy said... 156

Duggers are a true blessing to this world , I love the show !

Anonymous said... 157

I am so excited for Jill and her fiancé. I'm sure there will be a special, chronicling their engagement and their wedding, like they did for Josh and Anna. Does anyone know for certain that they are doing this? If so, does anyone know when it plans to air?

Michael Leng said... 158

Plan to show in Asia of South East Asia such as Thailand? Hope to see it someday!

Anonymous said... 159

Question: Do any of the (older) Duggar kids reply to fan mail? Would love to contact my favorite Duggar but not sure if it's worth the time, and will only end up in a recycling bin or I receive a generic response back.

Thanks! Love this site :)

Anonymous said... 160

Who does Josh work for?

Lily and Ellie said... 161


Hi Anonymous 166,

Josh Duggar is the executive director of Family Research Council Action (aka FRC Action).

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 162

@Jennifer Grattan they dont have one but there is one, check out byutv

Marky Beth said... 163


JimBob did address what he does for a living in several episodes, including a "question-answer episode". He said that they both got their realtor's license when they first married, and realized real estate is a very good way to make money, so they did things like buy an old chicken coop building which they rebuilt themselves and turned into a self-storage facility. They have properties with cell towers on them, which is a good money-maker. They have rental properties, and they follow the principles of the financial class they took, and once they were debt free, they have maintained the debt-free policy. When you know how to stay debt-free, and you know how to renovate and redo properties yourself, you can build your own house, you're able to maintain those properties without having an 8 to5 job. This couple planned to be able to both be available to their children as they grew up. They should be applauded for being so available to their children.

Unknown said... 164

It seems like jim bob and michelle promote marriage as soon as the girls are 18 ..r they allowed to go off to college and experience life without a husband and be independent women..i just dont think that their children the older kids are able to see outside the outside and make adult decisions

Anonymous said... 165

What exactly is a side hug ...at least one of these 19 kids have to go to out in the world ..military service ... college.....not bashing...just saying ...they all seem so shy

Canadian Mom said... 166

I love watching the Duggar Family! I have been a huge fan for years and truly admire the closeness and purity they instill. I wish I had been raised in a family such as this one. One question - will the family EVER visit Canada? I see them travelling all over the country but never to Canada. We would love to have them all! Cheers.

Anonymous said... 167

Thank you for posting all this info. I wish people commenting on the Youtube videos would read this before making nasty assumptions based on lies and untruths.

Anonymous said... 168

Thank you for this site. I've been watching the Duggars specials and shows since before Jackson was born. I'm an older woman and have raised my family and am enjoying watching the grandkids grow up. I don't always agree with the rules the Duggars set forth, but I respect their right to have them. I only get mad if I see hypocrisy which has been more often lately. Just my humble opinion.

Anonymous said... 169

The Bible says "Where two or more are gathered". The Dugger family has way more than that. Not familiar with where it says a Pastor has to lead. If it says a "man of God" then any Christian man would qualify. Jim Bob is a man of God.

Anonymous said... 170

How would the Duggers feel if one of their children chose to go away to college...ie..live in a dorm, etc.? Would they allow it?

Anonymous said... 171

Well, of course, remember - you can't compare apples to oranges (pun totally intended lol). Good, organic, healthy food - fresh food - fruits/veggies, high grade meat products - food can be either very cheap, or very expensive, depending what you buy. My family is one with six members - two parents, four children - and I remember going shopping with my mom every week and the meat bill, alone, was usually almost $500 a week. Just for meat, not including all the fruit and vegetables and potatoes, drinks etc...and teenagers can eat quite a large volume of all of the above. I remember sometimes my mom would bring home cartons of egg-nog at Christmas, they only sell them in 1.5 or 2 litre cartons, and one of my brothers would pretty much devour the entire thing in one shot, lol.

That bitch said... 172

I am a young mother of 3 lovely children. Am just in love in the way you teach your kids to put god first and to really believe in him. I wish I grow up like that. I look up to your family so much there are no words to let you know how much. I try to live by your example is hard I am not going to lie. But I love it. I would love to be at part of your paryer goup. Thank you all for what you have teach me 😀

Unknown said... 173

Love the DUGGERS!!! Praying the Best for Them!! Thank God for your Godly Life's that you allow this sin sick world to see!! Keep up the Good Work!!

Unknown said... 174

Love the DUGGERS!! God Bless you for allowing the World to see your transparent lives!! May many be inspired by your family!! ❤️Debra Dodd

Anonymous said... 175

I fully agree. Thank you for raising the bar to the public to live a meaningful life through love.

Unknown said... 176

I completely understand why modesty is important. My question is why do all the girls where skirts and dresses? Why can't they be modest in jeans?

Dash82 said... 177

Hi! I love the Duggars and enjoy watching the show. I just saw the episode where Josh and Anna got engaged. So sweet. I was wondering what movie they saw. I didn't know the Duggars watched movies at all.

Anonymous said... 178

I enjoy watching 19 Kids and Counting, I have one questions, do they have any friends that are minorities, i.e. Asians, Mexicans, Blacks, etc.?

Anonymous said... 179

@Shannon Elle how are the Dugger @ josh@anne. Jill&derick wish I can meet them in person I love u and ur show

Anonymous said... 180

I just love ya'll and your show. Deick did wonderful on his proposal to Jill. It was so sweet and meaningful.. Love the song. I wish them all the best. Josh and Anna too. OK Jessa and Ben, don't let them get to far ahead. Lol!!
God bless.. Thanks for the show::

In Christ,
Dianne Blundell

Kathy Dexter said... 181

I absolutely love this idea! I think a channel for faith based and moral tv would be a BIG WIN for everyone!

Unknown said... 182

Any good Duggar girl makeup tutorials?

Unknown said... 183

@Shannon Elle Yes, Jim Bob and Josh's physical trainer for their 90 day weight los challenge is black and their friends who have adopted, have black children.

Unknown said... 184

@Anonymous All the children live at home except for Josh, he lives in DC and soon Jill because she recently got married.

Unknown said... 185

@Anonymous I just hope you understand Michelle went to school.

Unknown said... 186

@Anonymous Josh as well as the rest of the Duggar children was homeschooled

Unknown said... 187

@Amy The viewings aren't high enough

Anonymous said... 188

I know both Jana and Jill play the harp. Where did the Duggars find affordable harps for both girls?

Lily and Ellie said... 189


Hi Anonymous 197,

The Duggars are Conservative Baptist Christians.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 190

Why do the Duggar girls not wear pants?

Anonymous said... 191

Who's on the buddie team what apps do you used with your little kids what are chore packs

Anonymous said... 192

RE Home church: There's absolutely _no basis_ for saying this is "unscriptural." Many of the early believers met in homes (e.g., Rom. 16:5).

What matters isn't the venue - but what goes on there. If the activities are consistent with what Scripture requires of regular church meetings, then there's no problem holding the meetings in someone's home!

Guy tomato said... 193

I hope that the children are allowed to at least learn about evolution, so that as they get older they can decide for themselves if it is a "fallacy", as Jim Bob has called it. Each one of those kids seems very smart and they all have a wonderful opportunity ahead of them. Without accepting evolution, they are going to have a lot of trouble entering career fields like medicine, science, engineering, physics, or biology. Personally, I don't see how it's necessary to one's faith to believe that humans coexisted with dinosaurs. Evolution is overwhelmingly accepted as fact, even by the pope and most Christians.

Anonymous said... 194

Have not watched any of the Duggar shows because we don't have cable or satellite TV. That is one show I would love to see occasionally. We hold many of their same beliefs and World View.

Anonymous said... 195

Just love the show! Such an inspiration.
God bless.

Lucia said... 196

The Duggars seem like nice people but honestly their religion seems really out there. I mean being religious is fine but I don't think their kids are getting enough exposure to the rest of the world to be able to make their own decisions on what they believe. I can understand them wanting to make sure their kids say religious in some way or another but I think they should be allowed to make some of their own choices about what they believe

Somerset Wedding Gal said... 197

It's funny, I've always wondered what blanket training was! And now you've answered my question :)

Anonymous said... 198

@Lily and Ellie,how tall are all the Duggars?

I know Jim Bob is pretty tall and Michelle looks like she's about 5'4.

Anonymous said... 199

Actually, a home church is not only scriptural, it is the New Testament model on how churches start. Just because someone meets in a Biblical home church does not mean that they don't have an "overseer" or "pastor" as we would call it in modern terms. Be sure to read 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 among many other passages. They are absolutely within their Biblical rights as Christians!

Anonymous said... 200

Love the Duggars! Watching their show makes me wish I could find a good church community and be around other Christians. It's sad because most of my old friends don't share the same beliefs as me, and are pretty insulting to Christians in general, with no respect for the fact that I am one. Seeing the Duggars gives me hope though! I'm not EXACTLY like them in their beliefs, but I think they have a wonderful family.

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