Michelle Duggar discussed her new hairdo in a recent interview with TODAY.com. According to the news outlet, the mom of nineteen has naturally wavy hair that has "reached past the middle of her back since junior high."
Since the makeover, which took place in August, Michelle has been mixing up her hairstyle. Some mornings she wakes up an hour early to straighten it, and other days she keeps it curly. She does, however, plan to grow it out again.

The makeover experience has helped Michelle branch out. After the Duggars' family Bible time, the older girls have been experimenting with their mom's hair and encouraging her to try new styles.
One hairstyle involving bobby pins was so beautiful that it earned a gasp of approval from Jim Bob. “I want to please my hubby, it’s all about what he likes,” Michelle told TODAY.com.
The Duggar mom also revealed that she has recently learned that her signature hairstyle is known as a mullet. She had a good laugh at that one.
actually it is jim bob that wants all his girls to have long hair. ask them do they want long hair. a women micheles age should not have long hair.
ReplyDeleteI think long hair looks good no matter the age. why be prejudice against age in the matter of hair styles.
DeleteI think your new do...is very attractive. You should keep it that way. Save time and money on perms.
ReplyDeleteIn case you missed it, Michelle has stared she has NATURALLY wavy hair and has never mentioned having had a perm. Just clarifying ;)
DeleteMichelle should be able to wear her hair however she likes without having to worry about Jim Bob's approval.
ReplyDeleteWho wants to look less attractive to their husbands? Of course she wants to looks good for him. Would you wear a perfume that your husband thought smelled bad? No. Anyways I think she looks great either way. Good for her for putting in the time and effort every day for her husband when it's so easy to push that aside when life gets busy- especially with little children!
DeleteI agree. I like to look good for my hubby but I don't stress about it.
DeleteI'm a bit surprised that they are making more public "statements" about beauty, fashion, and vanity. When the Duggars first started their show, they definitely were not talking about experimenting with hairstyles or fashion. TV, especially reality TV, changes people, and even the Duggars are not immune to it. On one hand, I think it makes them more "real", but on the other hand, it seems adverse to their Christian beliefs.
ReplyDeleteYou may be right however when the show started their kids were pretty young. Now they have teenage and grown girls, and that's part of that time of life; every girl wants to look her best, especially at that age. Plus it wasn't exactly Michelle's idea for the makeover.
DeleteI disagree with Michelle. It's not all about what Jim Bob likes. It's your hair and if your comfortable with it then he should love your hair no matter what.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't she choose to make her husband happy with her hair style. Its very sweet she cares so much about his opinion and im sure he does the same.
ReplyDeleteMichelle should be able to wear her hair however she wants and if she likes curly hair better I'm happy for her. That is who she is.
ReplyDeleteThere isn't anything wrong with wanting to please her husband. If more couples were as loving and dedicated to each other as Jim Bob and Michelle there would be a lower divorce rate.
ReplyDeleteLook at all of the housewives of New York, Beverly Hills, Orange County, New Jersey, Miami on Bravo. The majority of them are around Michelle's age and it's socially ok for them to have long hair. Some them aren't even housewives (you have to be married to be a wife). So it's ok for liberal and/or rich women to have long hair, but conservative women who love God and children have to have short hair when they hit a certain age? Give me a break!
ReplyDeleteWow... Does nobody care about being attractive to their husband anymore? I know I do... Keeps him looking at me and not at others.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that Michelle does her hair like Jim bob likes it
ReplyDeleteshe's very attractive, no matter what hairstyle she has. :) <3
ReplyDeleteI will be different and actually say i agree with Michelle worrying about what here husband likes. It's part of marriage to take into account what your spouse finds attractive. For example, if my husband like a certain color on me or prefers my hair long and curly then I will wear it so because I want to be attractive for my husband. In the same way if I like him to wear a certain style or style his hair one way then I expect him to take that into account when he gets ready. We arent forcing one another to dress a certain way but marriage is about taking anothers needs, wants and desires before your own. I see nothing wrong with Michelle wearing her hair in a way her husband likes. If my husband didnt like a certain hairstyle I sure hope he would tell me.
ReplyDeleteDo any of the Duggars Sponsor Children? I was wondering since they do a lot of mission trips that maybe one of them would.
ReplyDeleteMichele's point is that SHE WANTS to please her husband. He's not forcing anything on her. He clearly respects and adores her, and she responds in kind.
ReplyDeleteI think women can wear their hair long at ANY age! I get fed up with people telling me to cut mine or colour it. My DH loves my hair long but I wear it long for me, and I prefer it as long as I can grow it he gets tired of finding strays all over but it is mu choice just as it is his choice to grow a beard in the winter!
ReplyDeleteThat said I don't think either style makes her look older or younger, if anything th enew trim makes her stnad out less from a crowd!!
I am very suprised they find hair style so important.
ReplyDeleteThink about all people hurt by Sandy and know what is really important.
Hi I was just wondering if Any of the Duggars sponsor an underpriviledged child? I was wondering this because they have went on mission trips to Central America.And Josh and Anna I hear are helping a family in Africa.
ReplyDeleteWhat organizations do they support if they sponsor a child.
Thanks for posting
God Bless you all
Its her hair if she likes it long so bed if she wants t please her husband its her life!
ReplyDeleteWOW!!!That is the best I have ever seen her look....beautiful!!! It's still long!
ReplyDeleteThat's ridiculous that a mother is so concerned about her daughter's hair and looks that she makes a grown adult promise not to cut their hair. They are not children. Anna cuts Mackynzie's hair and she looks very tidy and groomed.
ReplyDeletewell i think women her age should not have long hair. just my thoughts you do not have to agree with me.
ReplyDeleteIt's just a matter of opinion. It's great that Michelle wants to please her husband. But in turn, JimBob should be open to different styles and perhaps expanding his tastes. It goes both ways.
ReplyDeleteMy concern: Why did Michelle need to have a talk with her girls about making sure they didn't cut their hair? It almost sounded like it would be viewed as the wrong thing to do if they were to get it cut. I would understand her not wanting them to go butch, but a good shoulder-length cut (or shorter) would still be attractive and pretty. Shouldn't the girls be free to cut their hair as they prefer, as long as it was still tasteful?
I believe it's in the Bible. So it's a Relegious thing for them.
DeleteI like Michelle's new hairstyle and wished she had cut a few inches more off! I think she would look younger with her hair cut to shoulder length. It's not my place to say what she should or should not do with her hair; but, I think anyone should wear their hair how THEY like it!
ReplyDeleteI love her hair. But you know, really, it's her hair, so let her do what she wants without us criticizing her. I think it's great she wants to please her husband. I want to please my dad, and if he says I need to keep it long, then so be it. Women look sooo.... much prettier and feminine with long hair. The Bible calls it our covering. It is a shame to see woman with short boyish cuts. When I'm old, I want long hair pulled back in a braid and slung over my shoulder. I want to be a lady and not just a woman.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, there is a HUGE difference!
It is more disturbing that Michelle is dictating her daughters hair style than her own choice to please her husband. As a parent of two daughters ages 18 and 21 I would never tell them they couldn't cut their hair if they wanted. As I watch my successful and thriving daughters enjoying college life and excite ment about their futures I feel really sorry for the Duggar girls. My daughters have not spent their childhood raising children but have pursued dance, sports and whatever interested them. I have always encouraged and supported them in having the confidence to make good decisions for themselves. I have raised them not trained them. We did, however, train the family dog.
ReplyDeleteI almost had tears running down my face, I was laughing so hard at Michelle being told her usual haircut is called a mullet!
ReplyDeleteI put my comments out here, but I think they got denied. Michelle, get rid of the "bird's nest" on the top of your head. Girls, you can be modest without the outdated two-layer tees and sad blue jean skirts...try cute dresses. Jim Bob, if you haven't changed your hair in 20 years, can I give you a clue?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but how does her usual hair style compare to a mullet???
ReplyDeleteShe doesnt look like she actually likes it, that smile looks fake.
ReplyDeletei do like the new hair ,but she can still grow it ,i do not like really short hair on women ,its not meant to be , my hair is about to my shoulders now as i am 65 now but has been longer
ReplyDeleteMichelle is a gorgeous woman with her long curly hair! Her daughters are equally blessed with beautiful long hair.
ReplyDeleteMichelle looks great at her age and I think a lot of women are jealous they can't grow their hair long like her and look amazing.
ReplyDeleteA lot of wives mention their husbands preferences (which is important to godly women who have fantastic marriages!) as a way of avoiding debates and conflicts. I know I do!
ReplyDeleteI tell others the truth about my husband's preferences but they are mine as well and we have an amazing marriage with the way we are in harmony the way God designed us!
I like Michelle's hair better curly, but she should be able to choose how she wants it.
ReplyDeleteI am glad Michelle thinks about what pleases her husband. My dh has his opinions on what he thinks looks nice, but he tells me to do what I want. I only disagree with long hair if a woman does it thinking they are pleasing God. I have heard some religious people state that God wants women to have long hair. I disagree with that. Michelle should have her hair how she wants to and so should the girls. If one of the girls wants a short hairstyle, they should be able to try it out.
ReplyDeleteI think the new look makes her look older. JMO. And I think all women want to look pretty.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that Michelle keeps her hair long. It's usually so ugly when middle aged women start cutting hair short and especially doing perms on it. And Michelle has great hair and shows her beauty!
ReplyDeleteI see lots of comments about why Michelle is wrong in her choice of hairstyles. Let's see...a)it's wrong for her to voluntarily choose to be attractive to her husband; b)it's wrong for her to have a unique style which distracts from her message; c)it's wrong for her to try and be stylish, because that proves she has become worldly; d)it's wrong for her have long hair at her age.
ReplyDeleteAre the people making these comments the same people who have criticized Jim Bob and Michelle for years for "not letting their children express their individuality"?
Just curious
I think this is just an example of how controlling the parents are to the children. PLEASE. Mom has to go talk to the girls to make sure non of them are going to cut their hair. CRAZY!! If they want to cut their hair LET THEM. If they want to wear pants LET THEM without making them feel like they are less inferior in God's eyes if they do. It is NOT looks that matter it is where our hearts are with God and that should be the focus. Not how someone cares how you look. Too much emphasis on that I think. I see it every time I watch the show. That is what comes with TV. They are in too deep now.
ReplyDeleteI like Michelle's new length and style. I, too, find it odd that she would ask of her grown daughters to not cut their hair! If she wants to wear it a certain way that her husband likes; good for her, but its' not right to impose her reasons onto her daughters. Albeit, I read I think in their first book, it is JimBob that likes all the girls to keep their hair long and the daughter interviewed in the book said they wanted to please their father.
ReplyDeleteWhoa! What a change! It's nice she thought about what her husband liked...I know my dad likes his girl's to leave their hair long,plus, a lot of girl's have their hair long because guys seem to like it!
ReplyDeleteNice hair!
Awesome Michelle! It's great she wants to attract her husband and not style herself to attract someone else besides!
ReplyDeleteIt's shocking to see so many women complain here. This might be one big reason why the divorce rate is so high in the United States.
If a friend just chopped so much of my hair off and I was trying to be polite about the whole thing, I too would talk to my daughters and encourage them to keep their beautiful long hair.
ReplyDeleteWe need to be godly and beautiful women according to God's eyes and not man pleasers. The fashion of this world changes so much.
Long haired women almost always get wonderful compliments and are admired. This is one reward of the glory of long hair as mentioned in the Bible. We get praises every day and everywhere we go.
Sounds like u r legalistic and haven't read ur bible much! Michelle's friend is her lifelong BFF - they r close not enemies! Where is the gratefulness?
DeleteI've seen aged women grow out their hair to a longer length and together with their loving ways make them look so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteMichelle can choose what hairstyle she wants. Just ask her.
ReplyDeleteI've seen Michelle and her girls in person and they are so beautiful! Their long hair makes them look so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteGreat! I'm so glad that Michelle wants to grow out her hair again!
ReplyDeleteIt's not a mullet. Her hair looks great!
ReplyDeleteLadies who say things like that would cry if people called their short hair dos mops, church bells, egg beaters.
Whoa! I didn't get the impression that Michelle was forbidding her daughters from cutting their hair.
ReplyDeleteThis is what the article said:
"All of the Duggar women like long hair, and Michelle wanted to make sure that her daughters weren't planning anything drastic...they all assured their mom that they had no plans to chop off their locks."
I honestly don't see how you get "controlling parent" out of that! It sounds like the type of conversation that MANY parents have with their children on a regular basis - not just about hairstyles, but about a wide variety of topics.
She may have expressed her preference, and may have been glad to hear that they were going to keep their hair long, but they ALL like long hair. Why is that so offensive?
My mother still shares her opinion with me, and I share my opinion as a parent myself. Perhaps some of the young people in our society would be better off if their parents took more interest in the choices they make.
She looks great with long hair!
ReplyDeleteMichelle, don't listen to these worldly women. You're beautiful and they're jealous.
ReplyDeleteI love reading how other older women here have longer hair. I bet you all look great!
ReplyDeleteStraight hair does not look like Michelle.
ReplyDeleteIt takes so much time anyway.
@ Wegomom.
ReplyDeleteThe 1611 KJV Bible says, "TRAIN up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." If you do not train your child they will never learn how to train their children, therefore, creating a mess. We raise chickens, we train our children.
I'm a Mennonite but I love long hair
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Michelle's hair straight!!! She looks SO much younger and SO much prettier!!!:)
ReplyDeleteI find it sad that in this day and age women feel the need to bow to their husbands and feel the need to get their approval in all aspects of their lives. I believe Michelle didn't appear to be happy with her new haircut at the salon because she knew that Jim Bob wouldn't like it. He felt the need to repeat twice that he liked her hair longer. He comes across as very insecure.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with wegomom about raising your children and not training them. You train animals, not children. I have two daughters, 25 and 17 and I have raised them to become strong and confident women. I believe it is wrong to raise girls to believe that males are superior to them.
These ladies look great in their long hair!
ReplyDeleteLong hair looks great on older women
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to see a guy like Jim Bob letting his wife know what he likes, you know,what he's attracted to. It's too bad a lot of husbands don't say a lot to their wives to give them advice on what's attractive to their liking. Their wives probably will complain anyways like a lot of people here so they may not bother to say anything at all. Too bad. So sad. I guess they rather look at other women who keep the looks they like. And then these women who don't care if their men think they're attractive anymore want the attention of other people. Their bedroom life must not be very good.
ReplyDeleteA lot of men like long hair -- God must have wired them that way
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMichelle, don't listen to these worldly women. You're beautiful and they're jealous.
November 7, 2012 7:10 PM
Worldly women? Are you referring to women who have a mind of their own and aren't afraid to have their own opinions on matters and don't feel the need to be subservient to a man?
Ummm Helloooo. "wanted to MAKE SURE they weren't"
ReplyDeletesounds like no option to me, but hey maybe I just don't know how to read??
When someone says they are going to make sure about something-it pretty much sounds like they are going to make sure it doesn't happen. I know she stated they all like long hair- but really? I don't think they have a choice. Say what you want, but that is the impression I get anyway. The girls just sound like they mimic what their parents say alot.
I think her hair looks great straight - she looks so much younger...BUT I also find it hard to find time to straighten my hair, and most days that just is not my priority. I agree with some of the other commentors that there is a difference between wanting to be attractive for your husband (and vice versa) and being controlled by your spouse. You have to be willing to put the feelings and needs of your partner ahead of your own in order to have a successful marriage. BUT it has to work both ways. I've been married for over 13 years, and we are still eachother's best friend...Despite being through some very stressful times, and both having lots of "quirks" (understatement). Oh, and my parents have been married for 39 years and still love eachother. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about!
ReplyDeleteFor a Christian family, the Duggars sound awfully vain. Isn't vanity one of the seven deadly sins?
ReplyDeleteAmen !
ReplyDeletei agree with JimBob hes right girls should have long hair i know the hair style looks good and michelle like it but its a little to short in the bible is says that a womans hair shall not be cut at all.
ReplyDeleteJim Bob and Michelle Duggar live for God, live for each other and live for their children. Its unfortunate that their critics cannot see how wonderful and a blessing it truly is! hmm married for almost thirty years and so very much in love, have 19 amazing.children.... hmmm I take the duggars way of life than that of the world cause the world......
ReplyDeleteMay God lead us and guide us in each step!
We love Michelle with any style she choses. She has always shown grace and kindness to ALL. Our family looks forward to the next show. They continue to demonstrate that GODS' will in their lives is never BORING and anti-social. Would it not be wonderful to see more of this.....so you do not have to RUN to the TV and turn it off quickly, so our young children are not exposed ..from commercials on.....
ReplyDeleteThe man is to be the head of the home. And yes, men are superior to us. It is the way God made it. He made Adam FIRST and the Eve. Any other way is wrong. And in case you haven't guessed, I am totally against feminists! It has ruined our society and our children's lives.
ReplyDeleteOops! Meant to say that we are equal, but the man is still to be the head of his wife.
ReplyDeleteI'm still against feminists!
There are other wholesome families out there..have you watched Farm Kings? The Duggars don't corner the market of the families in the U.S. that live by God's values. We are a-plenty. Just because we don't wear curly long hair and faded out clothes doesn't mean we are inferior to the Duggars in God's eyes.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible does not state that a woman's hair can't be cut !!!
I like Michelle's new hair style. it seems like the older Duggar girls and Anna have gone for softer more natural styles. I assumed that the curls were from perms--since none of the Duggar boys hav curly hair --nor the younger girls (except Joise).
ReplyDeleteIf they are wearing their hair more naturally it is more in line with not
Anyway--Hurray for Michelle-she is adorable anyway--and her new do is lovely
Michelle and Duggar daughters: I want to encourage you by reminding you that you are much more than your "lady parts," and/or your hair styles. Be encouraged by women in the Old and New Testaments who judged a nation (Deborah), defied a husband who was a "fool" and thus saved a household and the reputation of a king (Abigail), defied tradition and sat at Jesus' feet when there was "woman's work" to do (Mary), and who preached the first post-Resurrection "sermon," if you will, citing the reality upon which our Faith rests: "He is alive" (Mary). But were those women really "defiant"? Or simply believers following the leading of the Holy Spirit? If my words don't suffice, consider: "It is the spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing" (John 6:63). Or consider Galatians 3:28, "For there is neither [...] male nor female [...] you are all one in Christ Jesus." Or perhaps these words will only be read by someone monitoring this discussion site. If so, I pray the Holy Spirit will touch your heart with His truth, enlighten your mind by His words, and, if you are a man, encourage you to serve the women and girls in your household by acknowledging their freedom in Christ Jesus given them by Him because of the cross, even as the men of your household have been set free by Him. Blessings, P.Nissila
ReplyDeleteOh my word, Mrs. Duggar! I love your hair straightened! I didn't even recongize you! You must keep it!
ReplyDeleteGod bless,
Oh, my! To hear another fan is so GREAT! I LOVE Farm Kings! Absolutely LOVE it! I was explaining the show to my daughter and son-in-law that the focus is on the farm and on the immediate family. I mean...there are obviously relationships going on, but the focus is on the farm and the love they have for the land....not travels they may do, not on political causes, etc. They have rocking different hairdos, but this is not discussed and is not a focus of the show. Go Farm Kings! You rock!
ReplyDeleteUgh honestly people its hair there are many reasons for wanting it long. The reseaon she asked her older daughters not to chop their hair off is to keep from infuncing the younger ones negtively who they are in same home Joy-Anna is 14 or 15. Johannah around 7 and the other three are younger then 5 if brain remembers right. She just dosen't want her oldest four daughters not to do anything drastic with out thinking about that as their are still young ones about making decision quickly is not a good influence. Annna had mckyenzies hair proffionall trimmed cause she couldn't bear to do it herself. Many people choose to trim rather then get hair cut iff cause trimming ends encourages hair to grow I'm pretty sure all the duggar girls get hair trimmed.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved Michelle's new hair do!! She looked 10yrs younger if not more!! Jim Bobs hair looked great too!! I wish they would keep their new looks but they have to do what they are comfortable with. God bless them!!
ReplyDeleteMichelle I do love your new hair style but I understand what you mean that you only want to please your hubby. I know how good I feel when I come downstairs and my hubby says to me "Wow, you look good." It seems like his is the opinion I care about. Love your show. You are such an inspiration to me. Love you and your family
ReplyDeletehowever, the family follows the bible and its teachings. in the bible, it strictly mentions for a woman to never cut her hair or it would be like shaving the head. also the hair should be covered as long hair is for the glory of your husband to enjoy
ReplyDeletewhat does god have to do with hair? i would be more concerned that the family has profited from the series. doesnt that make them hypocrites?
ReplyDeleteI don't think she has kept her hair the same way all these years because she HAS TO, I think it's because she WANTS TO. Society saying that Jim Bob should have no say in his wife's hair, is like calling the kettle black, because obviously all of the above people that are telling her to change it, are doing the same exact thing. It should be up to her. And if she wants to please her husband and wear it the way he likes, then she should be able to, without all the negative criticism. By the way I think she looks beautiful! I always ask my husband how he likes my hair best, and he walks on eggshells telling me, because he's afraid that I might not like what he likes. But I, like Michelle, want to be attractive to my husband, not the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteLong hair is beautiful AT ANY AGE....I was told by someone that after 35 no woman wears her hair long...I say thats just an opinion...you look lovely with your long locks and Im glad your girls are taking aftet you.