Bates Blog

After posting periodic updates on Gil and Kelly Bates and their 19 children to this blog, we ended up starting a separate blog about them in 2015. The link is

167 Comments: Click Here to Add Yours:

Anonymous said... 1

Thank you for posting the Bates on this blog! I am so excited to be able to keep up with them here,I love watching and learning from their family just as much as the Duggars! Thank you!!

ausgirl said... 2

Nice to see you have added this to your blog under this tab. That way if people are interested they can see it and if they are only interested in the duggars they dont have to open the tab. I enjoy seeing items on the bates so thankyou.

Anonymous said... 3

So glad you have a spot for the Bates as well! Love this family. :)

Anonymous said... 4

Do you know if United Bates of America will be available on itunes?

Lily and Ellie said... 5


Hi Anonymous,

It should be, but we won't know for sure until it airs.

~Lily and Ellie

emma jane clayton said... 6

I love the Bates, and they are as nice in person as they are on the show. It was an honoe to meet them in Nashville.
I can't wait to watch their show

Anonymous said... 7

It was a pleasure to meet them in Nashville. I'm excited to watch their show

Anonymous said... 8

Will you be posting "United Bates of America" videos anywhere online?

Anonymous said... 9

Do you know if you can watch the Duggars on iTunes? Do you also know if they have an app? Thanks. :)


Lily and Ellie said... 10


Hi J&J#1Fan,

"19 Kids and Counting" is on iTunes, and TLC has an app that features content from the Duggars' show:

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said... 11


Hi Anonymous,

When/if "United Bates of America" is uploaded to YouTube, we will surely post the links. :)

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 12

I echo all the comments above, thankful you are keeping us posted on the Bates Family as well!
They are such a blessing and what a sacrifice to put their lives on display for the glory of God!

Unknown said... 13

Hi I'm melody and I'm 12 and I LOVE ! "19 kids and counting" and I have a question will the "untied bates of America" take the place of your show please say NO! I love your show so much bc I can kinda relate I also have to wear long skirts all the time !:)

Anonymous said... 14

Dear Lily and Ellie, Would it be possible to post recaps of the Bates show as well?

Rita Williamson, MS said... 15

Thank you so much for posting the Bates Family and the Duggar Family. Both families are an inspiration and by watching them it really makes my heart soar with joy. I am so glad to see the Bates family have their own show at last. My heartfelt thanks go out to them and to TLC for this. Also thanks to the Duggars for introducing their precious friends to us all. It is wonderful how you keep us so up to date. God Bless You!

Anonymous said... 16

19 Kids AND United Bates of American are both on Instant video. You can watch any episode of the show that has aired on TV. FYI!

Lily and Ellie said... 17


Hi Anonymous,

We won't be doing full recaps of the Bates' show, but we will post major announcements.

Thanks for reading!
~Lily and Ellie

Hans said... 18

Hey everyone, do you know where to get the bates family special "The Bates Family: And Baby Makes 19" ?
Because it's neither on Itunes or amazon.
And if its on TV I cant watch it here in Germany.
So maybe someone recorded it and can upload it anywhere or send it to my email: ice3000 (at) gmx (dot) de

Thanks in advance

PS: TLC should really have some easier ways for us fans to get these specials including the Duggars. Because if you watched every episode, you sure want to watch the specials don't you?

Tina said... 19

ANNOUNCEMENT! Anna's sisters Susanna & Priscilla are expecting. Susanna is about 21 weeks along and her and the baby is healthy (I talked to her myself)..she is having a little girl named Triniti. Priscilla and David have been married for 5 months...and found out they were expecting the other day. you should make a post about priscilla's pregnancy! That is so exciting!!!

Anonymous said... 20

Is Susanna Ok I hope her family is suporting her, a baby is always a blessing regardless of there parents religion for martial status

Tina said... 21

Anonymous, Well, if you mean healthwise yes she sounds like she's fine. But she is not courting or anything like that. She doesn't believe quite like her parents do anymore. She does need prayer, I tried to encourage her in the Lord, she appreciated but still took offence somewhat it seemed. Regardless of her life situation and Spiritual state, I still feel that a child is a gift from God and a blessing no matter where or to whom the child is born and to what situation that child is placed in, whether good or bad because every good thing comes from the Lord. her child is a gift and a blessing from the Lord and even though I am grieved for her and saddened by the choices she's made, I am stilled thrilled and excited that another gift from God is going to enter the world. I have hope for Susanna because in Proverbs 6:22 it says, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." She still knows her Bible very well, and still believes in God she has not strayed in that sense and praise God for that! Really I think she has taken this road because of her parents. She expressed to me that she did not fel it was her personal conviction to dress and live the way they do but rather, it was her parents conviction...she doesn't agree with what they have taught her 100% so now she is conflicted. The best we can do is just pray for her and her family and trust God will mend each heart and bring wisdom to Susanna.

Terri said... 22

I have been looking forward to watching the Bates on Mon. at 9 and they have not been on. Why is that? Have they been cancelled??? I love watching them and I sure hopw not.

Anonymous said... 23

does anyone know why the United Bates of America, and if/when it will air again?

Lily and Ellie said... 24


Hi Terri and Anonymous,

The Bates' show was only scheduled to run for eight episodes, and TLC aired exactly that many.

~Lily and Ellie

Benjamin said... 25

Hi everyone i've got a little surprise for you. It's the first episode of the Bates show. I uploaded it on Daylimotion and will keep on uploading the other ones which will take a little while and only if TLC isn't going to let it taken down.

@Lily and Ellie you might wanna post that on your main page because i know there will be lots of happy people in foreign countries that weren't able to watch the show yet.


Lily and Ellie said... 26


Thanks, Benjamin! We will post the link.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 27

When will united bates of america be on YouTube

Lily and Ellie said... 28


Hi Anonymous,

The first "United Bates of America" episode is on Dailymotion, a free service similar to YouTube. The link can be found in this post:

Lily and Ellie

B-Man said... 29

Hey y'all here's the second Episode of the Bates.

Lily and Ellie said... 30


Thanks for uploading, B-Man! We will announce it to our readers.

Enjoy your week :)
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 31

Ate there any plans to bring back the Bates family. Eight episodes is not enough, I do enjoyed watching such a loving, caring family

Anonymous said... 32

Hi Lily&Ellie, Will the United Bates of America have any more season on Tv on TLC. bye now Linda

Anonymous said... 33

I didn't even know Susanna was married thanks for the info. @Tina

Anonymous said... 34

@Terri I was wandering the same thing It's going on four weeks now and no Bates. Also the show that comes on after theirs is call Big Tiny and they haven't been on either.

Anonymous said... 35

Hi Lily&Ellie, I enjoyed watch the Bates family show they are caringwonderful family will there any more shows in future. by now Linda

Lily and Ellie said... 36


Hi Linda,

The Bates' show was only scheduled to run for eight episodes, and TLC aired exactly that many.

Thanks for reading being a loyal reader,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 37

I really enjoyed watching the Bates family. I hope that TLC and the Bates family will air more of their episoles. Thank-you TLC for the Duggars and the Bates family, we need more shows like that!

Anonymous said... 38

"United Bates of America" has been canceled.

Lily and Ellie said... 39


Thanks for the heads-up! What would we do without loyal readers like you?

~Lily and Ellie

Chase & Family said... 40

My daughter and I are bummed that ...Bates... has been cancelled. However, I am not surprised. TLC never promoted the show. They plastered their airwaves with Honey Boo Boo (yuck) and Brittany & Abby promos for more than a month!! As for repetition how many TLC shows involve involve searching for a wedding dress?! Two nights worth? Surely there was room for Bates & Duggar. I was pleasantly surprised to see the real differences between two families that seem so similar on the surface. The Bates are funny and inspiring. We were looking forward to "getting to know" them better and having another decent show to watch! Bummer!!

Anonymous said... 41

It stinks that the Bate's show is canceled. Will the show be posted on the web any time soon?

Lily and Ellie said... 42


Hi Anonymous,

Two of the episodes have been posted to a website similar to YouTube. You will find the links at the top of this page.

Have a great week!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 43

I watch the Duggars and have seen the Bates family on their shows. However, it is my opinion, that the Bates family is not as sincere as the Duggars. The Duggars seem to be letting God decide the sizing and spacing of their family without any medication being taken by Michelle. However, I have read that Mrs. Bates takes medication to help her with her pregnancies. If that is the case, than I don't think that is truly letting God decide that sizing and spacing of your family. God is bigger and more powerful than any medication. He can give you healthy pregnancies and children, if he chooses, without you taking pills.

Anonymous said... 44

Is the eldest Bates son still courting?

Anonymous said... 45

No. they are no longer courting.Kelly Bates mention this in her blog. Check out post here.

Anonymous said... 46

@Anonymous no he's can go on go on the family update tab and look for their blog post. hope this helps...

Anonymous said... 47

Please help the Bates come back to TLC, my husband and I are HUGE DUGGAR fans and love the BATES just as much. We need more shows like this! Love to all and GOD BLESS!

Anonymous said... 48


This is such a dangerous comment to be made - I assume by someone with no medical knowledge or background. Please refrain from ridiculous comments....please!!!

Anonymous said... 49

Lily and Ellie do you know why the Bates took down a lot of their lates posting? I'm puzzled as to why they did this. also do you know if any of the other Bates shows have been loaded to the web? or if anyone else knows the answer to any of these questions could you please answer. thanks

Anonymous said... 50

Love is in the air at the Bate's house!:) Erin Bates is courting Chad! What a awesome way find out news, Can't wait to see what God has in store for them!

Anonymous said... 51

I would LOVE to see the Bates Family back on can we make this happen??? They just make me feel happy watching them all interact as a loving family. Sign a petition or something?????

Anonymous said... 52

Hi Lily and Ellie. I was wondering if you guys happen to know where I can buy the other episodes

Lily and Ellie said... 53


Hi Anonymous,

Individual episodes of "United Bates of America" can be purchased on Amazon US and iTunes.

Enjoy your weekend,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 54

Lily and Ellie,

Where is the Bates website, lots of bates? I had it bookmarked and now the page says it cannot be found. Are they not going to post updates anymore or going to stop public life? Just wondering.

Big fan of the Bates

Lily and Ellie said... 55


Hi Anonymous,

The Bates' website is now at

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 56

@Anonymous I was saddened to hear this and hoped that it wasn't because she decided that life in the public eye would be too much of an intrusion. It's not everyone's choice. They both seemed to sweet. I hope they each find what they're looking for.

Anonymous said... 57

I love both the Duggar family and the Bates family.
They have wonderful values and I, for one, am glad they are raising their children the same way with faith in God and
The word of the bible. I think more people should live the same way and life in this sinful would be so much better,for all concerned. THank you for your obedience and your great love for us and for each other.

Anonymous said... 58

I didn't realize they had a sjow or I would have tried it out! Must have been poor advertising! I watch 19 Kids and Counting,so its hard to understand why I would have missed this. ?

aggie said... 59

I'm so sorry that this show has been cancelled...tuesday night was the only night of the weeks that mommy owned the remote and now, the united bates of america has been cancelled?!!! ugh, at least i still get to watch the duggars!!

Caroline said... 60

Would enjoy the Bates. Sorry it was canceled. Great family show. What an encouragement to see a family live, love, and grow together. What a blessing it would be for mothers to watch at the end of a day. Please consider having them back on.

Anonymous said... 61

Where are the rest of the episodes???? I thought "B-man" said he was going to upload the rest!! PLEASE upload them, they are my favorite family ever!! Besides my family of course :-)

Mary Barratt said... 62

Do the Duggars of the Bates know of any Black Christian big families? Could you maybe send me some information on those families, if there is any?

Anonymous said... 63

Who of the Duggar family will end up married to one of the Bates family?
Surely it will happen.

Anonymous said... 64

I read that Jim Bob and Michelle dated before marrying. Why won't they let their children do so too?

Unknown said... 65

we love the Bates but maybe it was to much for them with the cameras on all the time, they are a beautiful family and wish we could see them again.

Anonymous said... 66

Zach Bates is courting a girl named Whitney (can't remember her last name)! They are so sweet together!

Anonymous said... 67

Erin is engaged to Chad Paine! Oh!!! They're going to get married this fall (likely November)!

Anonymous said... 68

I hate to hear that the Bates have been cancelled. I LOVE watching the Duggars and always enjoy when they show the Bates.

Anonymous said... 69

I think Jinger and Lawson would make a cute couple.

Anonymous said... 70

The date is November 2.

Anonymous said... 71

I am gad to also see the Bates on here as well. I love the Bates and Duggars both the same as they are both unique in their own way... Good luck to the bates and hope maybe wwe well see an episode with both Bates and Duggars all together.. love both families just the same..

Anonymous said... 72

Yes the Bates are a Great Family..I Love the Duggars...Wish the Bates had the show Back....

Anonymous said... 73

Loved the Duggar show this week where they visited the Bates on the way to move Josh's family to D.C. I would LOVE to get the recipe for the chocolate ice cream fudge cake that Mrs. Bates made for dessert!

Anonymous said... 74

Hi! I was just wondering if you could post the lyrics, because I am singing it for my church and I can't understand this one little part.

Anonymous said... 75

I was wondering why the show was seemed like it would do well. I love the values and morals they have and choose to stick by....

Lily and Ellie said... 76


Hi Anonymous,

Which song are you referring to?

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said... 77

I agree on the "Bates Cake!". I have looked on the Duggar site and their ice cream cake recipe did not sound like what I saw on the episode. I also looked at the Bates site but they do not have a recipe tab. It looked delicious!!!! Thank you

Anonymous said... 78

I think the Bates show did not last as their lead song was not very good. Some of their kids may be able to sing but if doing a major show please dont make the entire family sing if they have no talent in that area. Also, I was surprised at how some of Bates' extended family acted like on camera for at least a few of the eposidoes. One actually said that the Bates should NOT have that large of a family and in my opnion were really rude about it. Also, I dont think Bates are in same place as the Duggars since I think Bates need more help financially, whereas people like and respect the Duggars because they are totally making it on their own without handouts. I dont know if Bates take any help but they seem to get a lot of help from Duggars and other church folks. (building their bigger home for them, getting stuff left for them at car during church). That is why I dont think the Bates show lasted

Anonymous said... 79

I Love to watch "United Bates Of America"!

Anonymous said... 80

I am so happy for Erin and Chad, Zach and Whitney, and Alyssa and John!

Kaybid said... 81

They look all so sweet together!!
May God bless them,
In Him

Anonymous said... 82

would like to see the bates show back on tv!!

Anonymous said... 83

UB of A was a catchy name for the show, but I think "Bates by the Busload", which was also suggested, would have been catchier!

TBH123 said... 84

Do You know why they bates shows was canceled?

Unknown said... 85

I enjoyed every episode of United Bates of America, and I love the Bates Family.I don't understand why they cancel a quality show when there is so much TRASH on TV. God Bless the whole family, I wish they were around when I was raising my children. All is well, but I would have loved to have Kelly as a role Model.

Unknown said... 86

Oh, I'm so sad it got cancelled. I just discovered the show and I love it.

Anonymous said... 87

Will some of the weddings be shown as part of the Duggar's new season. It would be good to see the Bates getting wedding pictures on the air.

Lily and Ellie said... 88


Hi Anonymous 87,

Yes, there was a film crew present, and the Bates said that TLC plans to include some of the footage in the upcoming season of "19 Kids and Counting."

~Lily and Ellie

Sara Welch said... 89

I loved getting to know the Bates when they showed up on 19 kids and counting; and when I heard that they agreed to open their lives; and home to the public also - I was super excited & because that means we get to learn about the Bates family without the Duggers around. I was sadden when I heard they decided to cancel the show after only eight episodes.

I know some viewers may have found it heard to watch another family with 19 kids (and still growing) when they had been enjoying the Duggars family for years. But; I for one would have enjoyed both big families whom share the same love for God and the same values as I do. Sides the Bates lived in a whole different state than the Duggars.

At least the Bates and Duggars visit one another on 19 kids and counting.

natalia said... 90

I think the show would have been a success if it was on during.the Duggers off season. We have watched.this equally wonderful family grow up. I really hope we get to see alot of coverage of both Bates weddings. We love them too! Godspeed to the Bates clan!

Anonymous said... 91

Alyssa Bates is engaged now. She got engaged on January 16 and Kelly officially posted it on their website/blog yesterday, January 28.

Anonymous said... 92

Congrats to all the Bates kids on their courtships and Wedding. May God bless all of you. Loved your show sorry to see it cancelled. Thankful your updates are on here.

Diane said... 93

At the top, there's a reference to something happening on December 30th, 2014. I'm pretty sure that's still in the future. But I checked the calendar again, just to be sure. ;-)

colleen said... 94

I really enjoyed wacthing the Bates , hope tlc brings them back...

Unknown said... 95

I really love watching the Bates and the Duggars. I learn so much about compassion, doing things in our community and how to look after little children and make it fun and creative for them to learn. Thank you for finally having a wonderful family driven show that I am comfortable letting my son watch. Keep up all the wonderful things this family does because it is a god send.

Chloe & Lori said... 96

I was wandering if Zach's wife or Erin are expecting?

Aine said... 97

Unfortunately Chad and Erin recently had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. He had put up a blog about it on 17 March. His website is

Christa said... 98

@Anonymoussussanna is not married

Christa said... 99

I love both families. their true intention has shown thru, the original reason Duggars did show was so their faith could be shown they wanted to be an inspiration to the world and they have succeeded.

Anonymous said... 100

I wish they put the Bates family back on learn better from them in stand of my five wife I do not like that show the bates are much better love 19 kids in counting

Anonymous said... 101

Dear Lily and Ellie,
I read on Kelly Bates blog that Alyssa did not only say yes to offer of courtship but offer of marriage! She is engaged to John Webster. Thought you may want to change that:)
Thank you so much for doing this blog! I enjoy it thoroughly!

Anonymous said... 102

Wouldn't it be October 2014 not 2015 that Whitney and Zach Bates are expecting?

Anonymous said... 103

I think there is a mistake. Zach and Whitney are expecting their first child next October, 2014 not 2015.

TBH123 said... 104

I think that you meant that Zach and Whit. are having their baby in October 2014 no 2015???

The 19 kids and counting said... 105

THe show 19 kids and counting was a good espiod to watch because I injoyed it veary much and watching the kids get older and grow up and start to get on with there own lives is interrestin.

Anonymous said... 106

Alyssa and John seem very close together in the picture named
alyssa bates courting nov 9 2013.jpg
Did they decide that frontal hugs are ok (as opposed to side hugs only)?

Anonymous said... 107

On an earlier episode Zach entered a courtship with a girl named Sarah in Missouri. What happened

Anonymous said... 108

Alyssa will get married a month from today, May 24.

Anonymous said... 109

i am glad to see that there is freedom here to express oneselp. i truly believe that the duggers and the bates are doing a disserrvice to therir children because there does not seem that academic education is high on any lists of theirs. maybe i am wrong but no one seems to want to be profeesional people like drs.nurses,teachers,engineers or anything like that that requires higher academic standards.i am a roman cathlolic and i am a saved christian and also in the real world where people have goals and aspirations for professional work and the youn wo,em on these shows do not seem to have anything on their minds except homwmaking etc that is well and good but you would think that some of them would like to go to college or trade school so far i have not seen that. i would love to see some answers regarding this.

Anonymous said... 110

Whitney and Zach are expecting a baby boy. The due date is October 22, 2014.

Here's the link with the information on it on Zach and Whitney's official blog:

Anonymous said... 111

Zach announced it was gonna be a boy, expected on the 22d of October

Anonymous said... 112

DO you update this often?

Anonymous said... 113

To anonymous 109...

Not everyones goal is to be a doc or enginer, Erin Bates went to college for music I believe. So it's not a sub par education, homeschooled students score an average of 35 points more on SAT tests then public schooled kids. So it's not the standard of the education. The Duggars I know have taken online college courses. Jill Duggar is a registered Mid Wife and Jana is a dula, and that took study and courses (Im not positive but I think sevral of the Duggar girls has degrees in sociology. Im not sure about the Bates and what all degrees there kids have but, I know Erin Bates has a degree in music. I hope that this helps clear up your question.

Anonymous said... 114

Thank you for putting info on. I look fairly often to see if anyone else is in a courtship or getting married.

Vikki said... 115

Do you know Whitney, John and Brandon's full birthday's?

Anonymous said... 116

Could you please update this???

Ale said... 117

You said the bates had a show. What does that mean

Anonymous said... 118

Too bad TLC didn't continue their show. I enjoyed watching it like I have the Duggars.

Anonymous said... 119

Can we please get more updates on the Bates??? Thank y'all for this site!! I love the updates!!!

Anonymous said... 120

The Bates family is beautiful and very interesting to watch and see how they live. maybe they can have a special occasionally at holidays.

Unknown said... 121

Courting Is another word for dating. They are the same thing

Anonymous said... 122

thank you for keeping everyone updated on the bates family!

Anonymous said... 123

Thanks forposting this I love knowing what Bates and Duggars are in a courtship or engaged etc. Thanks!

Bailey_3 said... 124


Dating and courting are not the same thing!!!! Dating is one on one with a girl or guy, Courting is in a group setting!

Bigam said... 125

I would love to see a show of you all back agian on TCL. You did a show awhile back I believe!!! Lovely Family

Anonymous said... 126

i cant find any of the bates shows where do you find them

Lily and Ellie said... 127


Hi Anonymous 126,

The episodes can be purchased on Amazon:

Lily and Ellie

Becca D. said... 128

Hey I was just wondering if u could share some more updated photos of zach and Whitney ?

Heluvsme said... 129

Is anyone else having trouble accessing the Bates Family Blog? I think it may have been hacked. When I click on Family Updates, I get a very bizarre page I've never seen.

Anonymous said... 130

I just found the Bates show on TV for the first time. I never knew it had been on TV and I watch a lot of TLC programming. The rating would have been much better if TLC had let us know it was on the air. They renew trash such as Honey Boo Boo and Gypsy Sisters, and let an honest to goodness reality show fail, one that teaches good moral values. TLC, it's not just about the money!!!!

Unknown said... 131

Thank you for keeping us updated on the latest happening in the Bates family! The Bates are sweeter than apple pie just like the Duggars; they are Godly, wholesome, and a wonderful example to others. I personally know how sweet they are because i once mailed a CD of our pastor's family singing and Kelly wrote me back a reply that was at least a paragraph long saying that they appreciate the CD and will listen to it on their next road trip. To take the time to write such a sweet thank you with how busy they are just shows the Godly character in this family.

Shells said... 132

With all due respect, I disagree with your comment. Are you saying God doesn't agree with medical science? Do you take medication or see a doctor?

Shells said... 133

I agree! It would be nice for them to value education, and also value what their children excel at. Especially the girls who don't seem to have options other than to become wives and mothers. Do the girls get to play any sports? What if one of them is an excellent athlete? What if one of them is academically gifted?

Shells said... 134

Not everyone's goal is, you're right. But it's nice to have the option. Would Jill or Jana have been allowed to become a nurse if they so desired, or was midwifery acceptable because it ties back into motherhood?

Shells said... 135

I've watched some of the shows and, other than the challenge of caring for a premature baby and the sad loss of another, the shows never depict any family members as other than cheerful and happy. Why don't they depict more realism, such as, how do they deal with conflict, disappointment, disagreement? I come from a Christian family, and noone is exempt from those emotions. It's how you deal with them. I find it too sugarcoated.

Anonymous said... 136

Dating is when you are not exactly committed to someone, but you are getting to know them. Courting is when you have taken a more serious interest in someone, and you begin thinking about getting married.

Anonymous said... 137

@Shells I agree. I think if the show is to continue, review of real life issues are going to be pertinent. Now there is a focus on the courting, engagements and marriages which is great. Except the show simply can not compete with social media outlets. Why wait to watch the show for something like Jessa's ring when you can see it immediately online? Therefore, I think this would be a great time to add real life issues into the programming especially now that the young ones are becoming school age. People would love to see how a Christian family, especially of this size handles true conflict.

Unknown said... 138

I heard that Erin Bates miscarried a baby a while back ..Wondering if she has become pregnant again . Tnx

victoria.x.rose said... 139

i like their musicvideo.

victoria.x.rose said... 140

do you have any pictures of erin and chads house please show if do

Rita Sereena Moore said... 141

I really you wonderful The Bates Family lot Adult and Teen too children also new baby God Bless You! I hoe you enjoys aw picture beautiful Wedding day a God Bless You!

Anonymous said... 142

Does anyone know if the duggars are ever coming to Michigan?

Anonymous said... 143

Zachary and Whitney's son is adorable Congratulations

Anonymous said... 144

I love both families. exciting to see. Clean tv.

Anonymous said... 145

Yea! I'm looking forward to it. I enjoy watching the Duggars, what an inspiration, and equally enjoy the Bates. Thanks for sharing! Please keep us updated.

Anonymous said... 146

I looked for the Bates at Jill and Derick's wedding. Were any able to attend and also did you get to attend Jessa and Bens wedding today??? I know the two families are so close and I love to hear any news about both!!!!!! Sounds like lots of Engagements and Weddings coming up and it blesses my heart so!!!! Thank you for being the Christian Family you are!!!!!!!!!

Lily and Ellie said... 147


Hi Anonymous 146,

We attended both Jill and Jessa's weddings. The Bates were there, as well.

Lily and Ellie

Unknown said... 148

Alyssa and John are expecting!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said... 149

Why didn't we see the any of the Bates family at the Dugger weddings?

Jill Martin said... 150

Can you post the birthdays and anniversaries of the Bates just like you do of the Duggars? Please

Anonymous said... 151

Please keep us updated on the Bates family. We love watching them too! We were hoping there would be a Bates-Duggar wedding or two! :-)

Anonymous said... 152

more updates on bates plz

Anonymous said... 153

do they come to Michigan

Unknown said... 154

saw their show tonight and LOVED IT! I was gonna tell them on their own blog but couldnt find a way to leave a comment, so I left it here in hopes they might read it. I look forward to falling in love with the bates family.

Anonymous said... 155

Hi does anyone know what the intro song to bringing up bates is called?

Anonymous said... 156

Anony. 153- these families never seem to go very north or northeast! However, maybe some of the girls will attend a Journey of the Heart in Michigan.

Anonymous said... 157

michigan plz they only came once for rick s

Anonymous said... 158

in the wedding i saw some bates i saw erin cause she played the piano for her

Anonymous said... 159

Yes, I met all the Duggars in lower Michigan. Michelle did not make the trip, nor Josie, for she had just lost her father.

Unknown said... 160

You can watch the United Bates on YouTube, and you can see them in HD quality!!

Anonymous said... 161

Our family absolutely loves the Duggars and the Bates families. It is so nice to be able to turn on the tv and watch something with our children and never have to worry about a bad word, or questionable story line. Thank you!

Teresa said... 162

Me too!!! :)

Anonymous said... 163

Beautiful family!

Unknown said... 164

What does John Webster do for a living?

Anonymous said... 165

I love the Bates Family and feel they are a little more down to earth than the Duggars. But all love the Lord the same

Anonymous said... 166

I love these shows!

Unknown said... 167

Thank you so much I miss them so much I love to watch them anymore staircase for all I was saying that everything that happened but I know God got their back

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