Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Wedding Bells" Recap

On tonight's new episode of 19 Kids and Counting, "Wedding Bells"...
  • All the Duggars agree that Jessa isn't as focused on household tasks as she used to be, now that she's in a courtship. Jinger has been promoted to head packer and runs around getting the clothes organized for the family's trip to Erin Bates' wedding.
  • The Duggar girls put together a gag gift for Erin. To play off the joke that Erin can't cook, the girls compile a book of easy recipes and takeout menus and purchase a smoke alarm and a fire extinguisher.
  • Ben Seewald and his mom join the Duggars for the drive to Tennessee, which will be Ben's first trip with Jessa's family. "I'm going to try to do whatever I can to make myself useful," says Ben.
  • Jim Bob's has employed a new strategy to get everyone out the door on time: "Last one out owes me $5."
  • When the Duggars arrive at the Bates' house, Jessa is eager to introduce everyone to Ben, and Erin is eager to show her dress to the Duggar girls. She found it on the clearance rack at a local bridal shop and had it altered to fit her modesty standards.
  • Chad and Erin take Ben and Jessa to their new house, a cottage located five miles from where the rest of the Bates live. The room that stands out the most is the master bedroom, which Chad allowed his fiancé to decorate. "It's...pink," says Jessa. "I was kind of surprised."
  • Wedding prep is a bittersweet event for Erin and her sisters. Since getting engaged, Erin has had many tear-filled nights, realizing she won't be able to have late-night talks with her sisters after she gets married. Gil assures her she can come sleepover anytime. "I don't think Chad will like it if I just come over without him," replies Erin.
  • "Chad is definitely a very romantic guy that adds special touches here and there," says Jana. "They're perfect for each other."
  • On the morning of the wedding, a member of the film crew asks Erin if she has thought about her first kiss. "That's why I'm brushing my teeth!" she says.
  • Erin is very nervous to walk down the aisle and asks Jana and Jill to pray with her before the ceremony starts.
  • "Somehow I got selected to be the head car-trasher," says John-David, "And so I took the job very seriously." He and the other boys even go so far as to put sardines and mothballs under the seats.
  • And of course, Chad and Erin have saved their first kiss for the altar. After the wedding, Chad cuts the plastic wrap off the getaway car, removes the sardines and mothballs, and he and Erin take off for their honeymoon.


  1. To all of you,

    I have always been in love with your family. The patience, respect, love, and humility that you all have for one another is absolutely inspirational. I have 3 chidlren-all boys (16, 7, and 22 months)- and because of you all, I try to smile often, speak kinder even in times of stress, and pray often. Mr. And Mrs. Duggar have made me a better parent!

    I too lost a baby. I was pregnant with twins and around the time the episode aired when you lost you precious baby, I thought to myself how terribly difficult that must of been for you all. Then, at the end of January 2012, when I was 6 months pregnant, I found out that one of my twins passed away in the womb and I had to carry my baby until the end of the pregnancy and give birth to both babys. Your strength that I watched just a couple months before that during such a terrible time, got me through my terrible time and I want to thank you for that!

    All of that being said, I just cried and cried tears of joy tonight. What a beautiful episode. These kids today have no idea what they are getting into when they prematurely engage in physical companionship rather than really taking the time to save these precious gifts for their partners. To see this happen tonight was just an honor and a brilliant message to pass along to any young person watching. Thank you so much to you and the Bates family for allowing us to witness such a private and beautiful moment between these two newlyweds. I look forward to trying my hardest to pass these same values onto my boys as they get older.

    Your message has not been in vein and I look forward to seeing your family grow as I have from day one. Thank you!

    Tovia Cousin

  2. That is a tacky thing to do to a car. It's really not funny.

  3. I can't wait to see this episode on you tube! Love the Duggar & Bates families & how God is blessing them so :-) did someone say there's a surprise announcement on the next episode?

  4. felt so bad for Erin and Chad as they drove off newly married in a car that had been pranked with moth balls and canned sardines. how sad for them. after a beautiful wedding day and then entering an obnoxious car smell... not one bit funny or cute. sick sense of humor for the people that made a special day for a young couple a rotten one. the most pathetic thing ive seen yet. why not just stuff the car with paper--not something that makes people sick to their stomach

  5. I was dumfounded to hear a piece of non-Christian music played as the bride walked down the aisle.Here in Canada, most Christian ministers have not allowed the 'Wedding March' to be played in churchs' for over 50 yrs.I would have thought with the strong Christian values the Bates' have this music would not have been played.

  6. I don't get that Jinger has to be promoted to head packer just because Jessa is in a courtship! She's not married yet! She can still work around the house!

  7. Haha, sounds like a fun episode!!! :) And I can understand why Jessa is more distracted - kind of telling though! Also, that is an awesome strategy for getting everyone out the door.

  8. I'm still puzzled by how the Duggars approach courtship. They place so much emphasis on not being physically involved in order to not have regrets if you don't marry that person, but they are totally overlooking the emotional aspect.....in a very bizarre way. On one hand, they talk about remaining "emotionally pure" for their spouse. Then, they admit that courtship does NOT automatically mean marriage but it is the process to see if the person of interest is "the one God has". And yet, in Jessa's case, the parents/family talks as if marriage is definite, and they have done so since the beginning of her courtship. What if Ben didn't sense God calling him to marry Jessa? How will she be " emotionally pure" with her family making comments about their wedding? And how are they helping her "guard her heart" by assuming from the get-go that she & Ben will get married? It all seems so contradictory.

  9. Wow I can't wait till someone uploads this episode on YouTube! (hint hint) I can't believe the master bedroom is pink! :D

    Y'all can see pictures of Chad and Erin's home (and the pink bedroom) at his blog:

  10. Jackson was so cute when he motioned them kissing.I do think that they went way overboard on the car, the fish was way to much, I would have not been happy.

  11. What's with Jessa's attitude towards Jim Bob while he was talking to her and Ben? Seemed sort of immature for a girl who's old enough to consider marriage.

  12. I saw it last night!!! It was so beautiful and sweet!!!! Loved it!!!

  13. Congrats to both Ben & Jessa. also Derick & Jill. I love this show. I have watched it for years.

  14. Great review! I'm married, never heard of courtship until the Duggars. I just wondered if the courtship overtakes the whole person's life at that moment and they neglect their duties and responsibilities? The last episode on TLC showed that it was OK for Jessa to be neglecting her jurisdictions because she is courting. Is that really how it's supposed to be? It doesn't seem like others who work would be able to just stop doing all that. Also, what is so consuming that she cannot concentrate on chores. I guess I'm just confused!

  15. What a great episode, so neat to see how these families have grown and many of the older children in both families have matured into such warm, lovely people. I was especially impressed by Michaella's dedication to making all of those bridesmaid dresses! Wow!! What a sweetheart she is. It was such fun to watch all of the ladies gather with Erin to see her wedding gown and talk about the dress and share their excitement.These two families are so supportive of each other and genuine in their love and friendship. The Bates sisters obviously had tender emotions as they prepared for the changes they were facing as Erin prepares to leave home, very touching and so touching to see the sweet love and affection this family has for each other. Loved peeking in on the mothers as they chatted in the kitchen about this stage in life. The wedding was gorgeous!! It was touching to see how much the wedding ceremony meant to the bride and groom, with their standards, and obvious love for each other the ceremony seemed to take on a more sacred, dignified air. A sense of reverence prevailed and, given the nature of the marriage bond, I appreciated this. I thought it was unfortunate that Erin received her sweet note in bathroom, kinda wish that big ole toilet had figured so prominently in the shot lol. Thought it was awfully cute when Erin closed the door and said she had to brush her teeth. Made me laugh. Erin was a gorgeous bride and I loved that one of the first things out of Erin's mouth when she saw her mother was to tell her mom how beautiful she looked. I guess I could just go on and on saying positive things about this and the episode so many wonderful moments. Just a great event,. But I am glad no one "trashed" our car when my husband and I were married. That is a dreadful tradition, over the top and not especially funny. I think the guys push the envelope there, but just me, we all have our traditions and they all seemed to be enjoying it. Chad deserves a pat on the back for being prepared with a knife to cut the plastic off and loved how he calmly took out all of the nasty stuff out of the car and made it ready for his lovely bride. I think Jon David had better watch out when his wedding day rolls around, I imagine his friends will give his car the full treatment!

  16. Dear Lilly and Ellie,
    When will the cover photo be updated? I hope its soon! Thanks and God bless,
    Therese Dupre

  17. Does anyone have any guesses on the announcement.

  18. What a great day to get married!! I also got married on November 2nd 2013!! Congratulations Chad and Erin!!

  19. It was a great episode! I love the Duggars and the Bates. I did think Jessa's attitude seemed a bit off, like on the bus, but she's human and still learning daily. I really felt bad for Chad and Erin having to get in the really stinky car after the wedding. They went a little overboard on the car prank, but the couple seemed to handle it well. The pranks at Zach's wedding were more humorous and less stinky!!!

  20. Neither do I . For once can't Michelle do something, there aren't any babies in the house now.

  21. Someone commented about Jessa's attitude toward Jim Bob, while we don't see too many moments like this on the show, it showed me that they have their "family stuff" just like every other family. I interpreted Jessa's looks and verbal sparring with her father to be somewhat protective of Ben and herself. It seemed like she was trying tell her father that she wanted him to back off a little. I think Jim Bob feels an obligation to turn these moments into teachable moments, (i.e. highlight courtship0 for the tv audience. But I think it is only natural that Jessa might wish for a little privacy at times and might have been looking for a break from some of her father's teasing of Ben and she just looked uncomfortable - not only that Ben's mother was sitting right there as JB started putting Ben back in the hot seat. Given that this episode was filmed in the Fall, Ben and Jessa have had a lot more time to together and maybe with all of the wedding plans for Jill this may give Ben and Jessa a chance to grow together with a little less pressure from the camera and Poppa. Ben is young but you can tell he is a really fine and very mature young man. Amazes me how well he handles himself. His parents seem like terrific people and have obviously raised a terrific young man.

  22. This was a lovely wedding, it was wonderful for the world that TLC filmed it. This is like the light that is not put under a bushel but set up to give light for all to see. In life my efforts to be a Christian have been worse than the Israelites forty years in the desert. The Bates and Duggars do seem to have Christ in their lives in an abiding way. This wedding will likely be what Jill's wedding will be like but I wonder if the Duggars will do anything original? Maybe Jill or Derrick should recruit a spy to let them in the jokes ahead of time, mercy! Jokes aside I hope that people who see this realize letting Jesus into their heart is something to pursue with hope. So often I was not consistent in seeking to grow as a Christian, after I became a Christian. Often the enemy convinced my mind that Jesus would not want me anymore - that is a lie to get me to completely give up. My point is that the people who think they are the last, totally not acceptable, feel like they failed completely, should invite Jesus into their hearts and always have hope. Even if it has been a long and dirty road we sinners can also wind up with Christ.

  23. Did Jessa and Ben's mom (I'm not sure how to spell her name) do a front hug rather than a side hug?

  24. PLEASE somebody post this episode on youtube!!

  25. The aim isn't keeping them emotionally pure, the parents don't care if they "fall in love" with the person immediately and marry quickly. It's keeping them physically pure. That's the goal at all costs. It's the reason for the quick 'courtships" and weddings, before anything affectionate happens. The couple should still be encased in ice when walking up the aisle, but it's ok to be burnin' hot walking down the aisle. So utterly unbalanced.

  26. Congratulations Erin and Chad also congratulations Derick and Jill . Excited see future for Ben and Jessa . All of you are sweet amazing Godly people . Love God . I love Bates and Duggar family .

  27. There seems to be some sort of mild hostility toward Ben by Jim Bob, it seems that he is treating Ben as though he was in a torment test, rather than a sweet courtship, this could be because Jessa was always his favorite daughter, and Ben reminds him of his younger self who he feels guilt about how he felt and acted while dating Michelle. But he should realize that Ben was raised with courtship rules so he would never act like a young Jim Bob, and also, he should finally realize that no matter what happened in Jim Bob's past, he had a good marriage and it all worked out. So there is no need to torture and tease Ben.

  28. I heard Zack outsmarted the pranksters at his wedding, he got smart after he saw what they did at Erins. JohnDavid was a groomsmen so he probably didnt have as much time to prank as much as he would like.Since they don't have a traditional reception, it probably would be a little boring without some funny business every now and then. I don't think it was meanspirited, just a tad too much. I think it was neat that they played the wedding march, you don't see it much anymore.Erin was like Cinderella, I just can't wait to see the next ones.The Bates have two more girls in relationships, this is going to be an event full year,I hope their show comes back on for those. Godbless y"all. ;-)

  29. I don't understand why so many people have issues with the whole 'courting' concept. Lots of people save themselves for marriage. I'm certainly not saying it would have worked for me, it wouldn't have! But, it's not as if they get zero time to chat as a couple privately, they do. They obviously feel some sort of physical chemistry, you can tell by looking at them! To me, they look like a young couple that's not into P.D.A. and excited to see where their relationship ends up! The ideal outcome being marriage, of course. That's the case for many people! Family is often involved in relationships of their children, especially if it's serious. My family isn't uber religious, but their input and opinions were important to me when I was dating my future husband and had they not thought it was a great match, I probably would have listened to them! I just fail to see what is wrong it.

  30. JimBob should have had all those "inquisitive talks" with Ben before he "ok'd" him to speak to Jessa; then let them alone to check each other out. His constant interfering with this couple's development is nonsense. Poor Ben is doing the best he can being on camera and having to talk about something he hasn't experienced yet in life. If this man is ready for marriage, he should be allowed to tell Pa Duggar to let up. Jessa should back him up. These parents' are not chaperones' they are helicopter parents who don't realize that many of their "children" are adults and have been for some time. They have never allowed them to live like adults. Not loving, but controlling. So sad for them.

  31. Renee (#3) & Anonymous (#17), I'm pretty sure the "surprise announcement" previewed for next week's episode is when Anna tells Josh that the Duggars family is arriving a day early. I don't think it's anything more than that, so don't get too excited. ;)

  32. @Anonymous

    Precisely what our family was thinking as we've been watching this season's episodes! They definitely have a different view of courtship than our family. "Dating with chaperones" would be a more fitting name.

  33. Do the Duggars believe in Free will or repentance at all?
    I love their show, but I was raised beliving in these things. They should be able to date who they want and be responsible for their own moral choices. Holding hands, kissing, hugging are not imoral. And if you have decided not to go any further, then a chaprone need not be present. What happens between them should be between them & God, not them and their parents.

  34. Walking down the aisle burning for your future husband is def the way to go and not stone cold. Nope, stone cold would not do at all.

  35. Does anyone know where I can find the full preview of this coming weeks episode as all the links I've tried they cut off half way through it, and as yet it isn't on YouTube?

  36. I am unable to click the link for the Wedding Bells episode. Thanks for your blog.

  37. Last week's episode is finally up on YouTube. :))))))))


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